SEARCH Complaints - Voting Scam

2014-09-03 14:54:21 by Jan
I came a cross a scam called the man that called is Randy Raby. He promise to pay lots of money and even put me in accounting taking care of payroll but never paid me anything boy am I mad and I just wanted let everyone know about this new scam that's going a round. He told me that I would start right a way also it looks like on the website that's it's something to do with voting but there no place on the website to vote for anything it really looks like a scam of some kind if you get a call from this number 770-885-8487 watch out just hang up don't even talk to him because he's going to try to get money out of you
1 Responses
2014-09-06 20:27:50 by Randolph C. Raby
Hello, America! My name is Randolph C. Raby, Chairman of This is
America's Premier Voting Site for National Referendum Issues. We are in the process of developing our
website. When we complete, we will be offering the American people the opportunity to vote on public
referendums on a national, state, and city/county level. This is a revolutionary concept that has never
been done before. In fact, I recently applied for a patent for this specific concept.
What constitutes a legitimate referendum? First of all, Webster's Dictionary describes a referendum
as 1) The submission of a proposed measure or law. 2) (Two versions exist); which has been passed upon by a legislature or convention to a vote of the people for ratification or rejection 2000 c. & (a vote
by the people over the legislature.) 1953 c. (My dictionary). 3) The vote itself. (Chairman's note: It
appears that sometime between 1953 and 2000, the right to vote on issues over the legislature has
been removed.) Of course, it will be necessary to do further research on this question, but tenta-
tively speaking it appears the right to public referendums has been limited. Further, one only has
to look at the issues,(or lack of) today that are being offered.
In order for a national referendum project to work, it requires 100 million registered & non-
registered voters to participate to give creedence to the issues being voted on. AmericanPulse.
net is a privately-owned, public based internet project that provides for the people of the United
States of America the opportunity to electronically vote on issues on a national, state, & city/
county level. I do not scrutinize the subject matter of issues people wish to post on our site.
My job as Chairman is to write legitimate referendums, (not frivolous topics or opinion polls) and
to help the public develop their issues to meet the constitutional and congressional standards
to be posted on the National, State, or City/County page. I will be writing opinion polls that I be-
lieve all of you will find interesting. It is free to peruse the site, we do not ask for registration, and
opinion polls are free. We are in the process of choosing the right software for the public votes
to stand as a part of history. Remember this about our site, the votes are 59c but only because
we couldn't do it for 49c (My idea-a little joke). You will have to submit billing info but only for your
CC company. We are a very secure site and have the Seal of approval from our service. We do not
even look at your information and we intend to install plug-ins so that you will not have to continu-
ally re-enter your info. Posts we hope will be every Tuesday night (my idea) and the issues will
be legitimate referendums. RC-How do I know I'm voting on a legitimate issue? I'm glad you
asked. Example, I recently had to remove the first post from the site (haste makes waste) be-
cause the question was "Should the Georgia State Court uphold a ban on same-sex marriage.
1) Same sex marriage is not an issue. 2) The State court cannot ban anything unless someone is
harmed or can be harmed. 3)Only the Supreme Court (STATE) can impose a ban if memory serves.
4) If is to survive as a credible internet project, it cannot post fake issues that
pit one group of people against another. This only leads to anarchy. Only issues where a group
has caused so many problems for people that a referendum must be brought forth. Same-sex
marriage would only inflame the gay community and State legislatures have approved it in several
states. We would be antagonizing the work of State legislators, damage this project and would
not be giving the public their 59c worth-A legitimate public referendum, with historical archived tallies,
on an issue that meets the standards to be on our National page.
IN RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAINT- consists of five positions-Chairman,
CEO (responsible for IT-Website to company (MY) standards,computer breakdowns,back-up for
vote tallies and history of data, and promoting the brand), Legal Affairs, Comptroller's office, and
Marketing/Media Relations (responsible for promotions and scheduling of press access). At no
time have I offered this position to anyone named Jan (I have never met her) and the position of
Comptroller (taxes, accounting, & compliance) has been offered months ago to only one candidate.
IN CLOSING, I DON'T KNOW WHO THIS WOMAN IS!!!!!!!! Complaint: BOGUS!!!!!! Sincerely,
Randolph C. Raby, Chairman, (emails must be set up-1-2 weeks)
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