careers plus resumes Complaints

careers plus resumes - unprofessional and inadequate

2012-04-12 22:29:24 by Wes Inman
I recently employed Justin Olsen and "Drew" at Careers Plus Resume. I ordered the entire package. The "linked in" purchase was a joke!!!! It was very basic and elementary. I updated it myself and received numerous calls from recruiters. All of the recruiters asked for the resume, 4 of the 5 recruiters stated that the resume should be revised. I emailed the so called "Drew" for the revisions and even sent a template that the recruiter forwarded over. Justin Olsen (owner of Career Plus Resumes) called me instantly and said that "the recruiters did not know crap"... Justin Blew up and said that I was going against his professonal advise. He did send back a revised resume.. Unfortunately --- it was the same resume that I have been using for the past 4 years.... My original resume was reformatted with a pretty background (word for word). I called Justin and he stated that I was a "F=*^ing idiot" and that there is nothing wrong with the resume. He continued to defend his product and service and said numerous times that I was a "F_*%ing idiot". I asked for a refund because I did not believe he had my best interest in mind. He said call the BBB or my credit card company. He did offer 1/2 of my money back if I would not post any complaints. Try asking them for a full name of any of the employees.. Buyers Beware, cut and paste kings...
10 Responses
2012-08-04 09:28:04 by Joubert
Dave,I think MySQL certification dedenps upon your location. Speaking only for myself, with my own numbers while searching for a MySQL DBA position. I've been a CMDBA for almost a year now. I've had two calls in the last year from recruiters finding my name in the MySQL certified list. I was able to apply to several jobs, and having the certification helped in getting an interview. Out of the four places, two I knew I wasn't a good fit and the other two never filled the position. Seems MySQL is mostly an additional duty for the sysadmin, or developer.I think that's one of the biggest hurdles for MySQL to face - for most companies, MySQL runs fantastic right out of the box, and don't see a need for a dedicated MySQL DBA. For the times a company needs a DBA, they can rent one from Pythian or Proven Scaling. That's far more cost effective than having a fulltime employee.What I've done to help bring recruiters and hiring managers together with MySQL certified people is to start a LinkedIn group. Hopefully that will help as I don't think many recruiters know/can find the certified candidates page that easily from the main website.
2012-08-05 02:53:41 by bsmziyv
ws9B3L <a href="">elbrrbvgydoz</a>
2012-08-05 08:32:54 by jnrnlvbfcfy
AArW8G , [url=]spngoqtkkrbs[/url], [link=]ueuwnvabvdyl[/link],
2012-08-07 06:33:26 by dpinmjrs
A2UTRQ , [url=]epkvxpygrwep[/url], [link=]afbjlhcfqrul[/link],
2015-08-01 11:42:46 by Yonhatan
 ( 2012.12.20 05:13 ) : 感谢博主,前几次借助博主的分享成功卸载了几次,但是反复多卸载重装个几次,不管用了,卸载不干净。后来用这个搞定了如果运行这些第二步、apt-get romvee mysql-server purge第三步、apt-get romvee mysql-common purge 您没卸载干净,那你可以 第一步、apt-get -f autoremove 第二步、apt-get romvee mysql-server purge 第三步、apt-get romvee mysql-common purge
2017-05-16 03:20:49 by Tiger
met a Christian Evangelical at the voting line on election day. There are 10 times more christian evginelacals than Jews. I was telling on how we need to make peace with the Palestinians and she was telling me on how they want to kill us and how it is prophecized in Ezekiel that the Arabs and Russians will invade from the North.
2017-05-17 05:59:27 by Arry
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2017-05-17 11:35:42 by Darnesha
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2017-05-19 12:54:37 by Nook
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2017-05-21 06:16:04 by Wednesday
Well put, sir, well put. I'll celirtnay make note of that. [url=]ebpacaa[/url] [link=]diysvsdjx[/link]
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