SEARCH Complaints - Terrible Customer Service/Inferior Product

2009-10-07 15:52:36 by Marc
After having a difficult time with the customer service at CPR, I still had faith that the product would be good. Not great, mind you. This is not a high-dollar resume writing outfit. But, given their reviews, etc. I gave them a shot.

$150 later, I am wishing I had followed my gut instinct. I received a re-written resume full of grammatical errors, erroneous information, and just plain mistakes. Things taken from my existing resume didn't even match! Cities, etc. After a nearly 2 page email of revisions, I received my second copy. Much better. I am partially happy. However, the writer did nothing of note. He/she basically took my information and moved it around to fit their format. There was NO noticeable wordsmithing or rewriting to speak of. And, the ASCII version was simply the word version saved differently - it was NOT set up for scanability. Oh, and forget about keyword inclusion...

I tried contacting CPR, only to be told I needed to speak with the writer about this, not them, as I had hired the writer. I let "Courtney" know I had in fact hired CPR, and THEY had hired the writer. So, I expected service from the company. No avail.

So, stay away. You can find a number of other services to do this. They do an OK job, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING remarkable. And the customer service is BEYOND ATROCIOUS. If I could say it, I would say f***
2 Responses
2009-10-08 08:20:07 by Timothy
Below is the correspondence with this customer who posted a fake name above to hide their identity. Below is the actual email between customer (Tyler) and We have verified the identity of this customer based on the nature of the complaint and email address that was used with this post. Most customers act out of emotion when posting complaints, therefore their posts are not entirely accurate and in most cases are highly exagerrated. See below:

Re: Resume First DraftWednesday, October 7, 2009 11:26 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified - Add sender to ContactsTo:

Thanks, it looks much better! I like the changes we have incorporated.

When can I expect my cover letter? I will need that before I can begin sending out the "new and improved!" resume.


On Oct 6, 2009, at 3:41 PM,© wrote:


Attached is a revised draft of your resume with your requested changes. Please review the attached draft and reply with any additional changes. Also, keep in mind that we have formatted your resume to obtain maximum results, and smaller issues (font, colors, etc) will not have an impact on whether a Hiring Manager/Recruiter calls you for an interview. These are minor details, however if you have any suggestions we are welcome to them.

Thanks, and have a great day!

2010-01-29 01:53:22 by HaleyJones
I also had a great result from using this company. The writer worked with me to convey my extensive military background and helped me get a civilian job.
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