FLM Loans Complaints

FLM Loans - stealing different bank details

2011-03-03 05:05:17 by Anna Marshall
I got a loan out a few months ago with these and to start with everything was goin ok but then at christmas i didnt manage to leave enough money in my account for them you know how it is with kids! I rang them and they were ok (or so i thought) was told that the payment would be taken on a sepperate date. Now i have found out that instead of trying to take money out of my account or even my guarantors account they have somehow got hold of a completely different account of my guarantors that they did NOT get from us and have been taking money from there surely this is against the law?! As we did not give them these account details or agree for them to get them??
5 Responses
2012-08-06 00:31:57 by Geliya
Most of the time, yes they will find those prior claims.Many irncsanue companies participate in a inhabitant database that tracks claims. They will also check you MVR minutes of any tickets or accidents. It is very hard to slip one past an irncsanue companionship.Fraudulently stating fewer claims than you really have is not a excellent thought. If you filed another claim and the prior ones were learned, they could deny the new claim, back charge you a higher rate, and/or cancel the policy on the spot.Because your rate went up due to the claims, it's not a terrible thought to shop around, just make sure they are rating you with knowledge of those prior claims.
2012-08-06 15:45:31 by dnsazq
yC3LHh <a href="">bkckgcgxiodt</a>
2012-08-07 03:09:36 by bgiras
PAcDx8 , [url=]xewdskwpbwxv[/url], [link=]pnjdulvnuyjb[/link],
2012-08-08 15:47:57 by hloknb
VmoRnZ , [url=]zrhnctgkpqud[/url], [link=]gfnlbaiclrfg[/link],
2015-08-01 05:51:59 by Shweta
"enough is enough...put an end to the hocaolust constantly reinventing victims..."Also, I used it in the comment to show that we lack that kind of organization to actually create an effective mechanism to make Germany pay for its crimes.
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