RedBow Photography Complaints

RedBow Photography - Non Payment of Employees

2009-10-15 08:02:47 by PhotoRich9
Non Payment of employees.

I am a photographer for RedBow Photography and the Boston Bruins. I filed a class action suit for all Massachusetts photographers who received no pay for any work for RedBow.

Kevin Chen, the regional Sales manager proved to be a liar of the first order.

Reginald Bowser the owner, has proven to be a complete fraud and liar. RedBow has defaulted on the class action suit filed with the Mass Attorney General. A default judgment is forthcoming and hopefully will make the fraud a criminal case.
2 Responses
2009-10-15 08:04:02 by Jason J. Row
The same thing happened here in Orlando!! Please read:

Wronged By Red Bow Group:

I would just like to share my experience with Red Bow Photo. Reginald Bowser has refused to pay me as he claims I was shooting images for personal use on Red Bow time. This is false...All images captured where off of Red Bows time and not in Red Bow's just his way to not pay one more person. Most Red Bow photographers working in Orlando were using their own cameras as well as Red Bows. This was done with full consent and knowledge of James Sweedberg, the manager at the venue. We were off the clock at the end of the 3rd quarter which is when all of these images were captured.

Please read his letter to me below to get an idea of just who Reginald Bowser truly is. The last two games of the finals against L.A. he fired two people he owed large sums of money too. Then he promised to pay me in cash and then left like a coward during 1/2 time sticking me for over $1300 (wages + shooting bonuses). He even gave me verbal permission to shoot players and coaches after 1/2 time.

Pay close attention to his 3rd paragraph where he lets me know that he finds my behavior "despicable, your ethics deplorable and your arrogance regarding payment unconscionable." I fell out of my chair laughing...can one imagine being told they are arrogant because they want paid for services rendered?

In my opinion, Reggie Bowser is a narcissistic sociopath, coward & a thief and should be arrested for what he has done!!

Please also find attached as well his letter to all of the Red Bow photographers he stuck for thousands of dollars in an attempt to stall payment yet once more.

I was told by James Sweedberg on Saturday August 8th, 2009 that he was not happy that he had to pay us and was looking for loopholes to get out of paying us...this is what he did to me. I'm curious to know if anyone else was as screwed over by him as I was and if they would like to do a class action law suite against Red Bow? I already have an attorney and will be seeking legal action against Red Bow, James Sweedberg & Reginald Bowser: if any one else has been or knows of anyone else who has been "wronged by Red Bow", please reach out to me at this address and I will have my attorney contact you for a class action law suite.

Right before i sent this off this just came in to my inbox:

Do not show up at my office for any reason whatsoever, as you are not welcome there.

You have heard the last from me. Any additional communication should be sent, in writing, to our attorney, Dain Dulaney, who is copied here.

I do not want to receive any additional communication from you verbally or in person. If you show up at our office I will have you removed by the Charlotte Police. If I see you again, it will be in court, where I will have with me the evidence I have provided you below.

Reginald Bowser"

I received your message earlier today in which you informed me of your belief that Red Bow Photo owes you an outstanding debt for services owed. Upon further review, and after completing more research, I have come to the conclusion that Red Bow Photo has settled all debts owed to you for all services performed and will not be providing you with any additional compensation.

In reviewing your website located at, I uncovered galleries of images you shot during Orlando Magic games of NBA players, NBA logos, the Orlando Magic mascot, NBA coaches and other Red Bow Photographers. You shot these images while you were “on the clock” and being paid by Red Bow Photo. This is made clear by the image below of the Red Bow Photographer and the Orlando Magic mascot. You can clearly see on the tag around the Red Bow Photographer’s neck that the date of that particular game was May 14, 2009. Our records (shown below) indicate that you were supposed to be working for Red Bow Photo that night, and that you were to be paid $45 for your services. There is further evidence that you were working that evening, as there is a picture of you taken on May 14, 2009 on the Red Bow Photo website for the Orlando Magic / Boston Celtics game – Gallery 68, in which you are shown wearing a Red Bow Photo shirt and sticking your tongue out at the camera. ( That image also clearly shows that you were carrying two cameras at the time, even though you were only issued one camera by Red Bow Photo. This is further supported by the fact that the image below of the Red Bow Photographer with the Orlando Magic mascot was never even submitted by you to James Swedberg for upload to the Red Bow Photo site. The only explanation possible is that 1. You took this image on a camera that did not belong to Red Bow Photo, or 2. You took this image on a Red Bow Photo camera and KNOWLINGLY did not turn it in. Either action is clearly wrong by any standard.

Upon review of this information, I find your behavior despicable, your ethics deplorable and your arrogance regarding payment unconscionable. How dare you ask Red Bow Photo to compensate you for work you were being paid to do, when it is clear and obvious, from the evidence presented below and more evidence gathered as a result of our investigation, that you showed up to work for us with your own agenda in mind? As clearly stated below in your own words, you were “working for Red Bow Photo shooting candid, documentary style, photography of FANS before, during and after Orlando Magic games.” Well, if that is the case, how then did you find time to shoot images of players, coaches, logos, mascots, Superman capes, basketballs and many other subjects that are were clearly not FANS? How could you shoot images of coaches during press conferences after the game if you were supposed to be shooting fans for Red Bow Photo? Since when are fans allowed into press conferences? Finally, how can you clearly state on your website that you were acting in a capacity for Red Bow Photo, but then later indicate that the images were taken as you were working as a “freelance photographer during the second half of the season”? Doesn’t a freelance photographer typically get paid for their work? Were you taking pictures on our clock and selling them separately? In our investigation, we have also noticed that many of the galleries listed under your initials are missing. Could that be because you kept the images and sold them separately? Regardless, there are many questions left to be answered and evidence to be uncovered.

In closing, to reiterate, you will not receive any additional compensation from Red Bow Photo. We consider our debt to you settled. If you have any issues with our position, have your attorney contact our attorney (copied here).

Reginald Bowser
Red Bow Photo"

Jason J. Row
President & CEO
PXL8IT Direct Marketing Services
tf: 866.321.5006 (Main)
p: 424.239.0184 (Los Angeles)
p: 321.567.4628 (Florida)
c: 424.625.6070
f: 630-622-3884

"Keep away from people who try to belittle
your ambitions. Small people always do
that, but the really great make you feel
that you, too, can become great."

Mark Twain (1835–1910)
American humorist and writer

The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above. It may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information of the sender. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying of the information contained in this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply electronic mail and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system.

On Jun 7, 2009, at 2:01 PM, RedBowPhotoDidUsWrong Beware wrote:

Update: Red Bow Photo is a SCAM! After almost 5 months they paid SOME of us a SMALL PORTION of what they owed. Reggie Bowser and Kevin Chen are LIARS and cheats. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM!! DO NOT WORK FOR THEM!!

Per some responses we have received, we are also now sending the message below to The Orlando Sentinel, Florida Today, The Better Business Bureau, The Florida State Labor Board and some lawyers...if any of you can HELP US GET PAID for the work we have done and or expose these LIARS for what they are we would greatly appreciate it!

Dear Orlando Magic, Anaheim Ducks, Boston Bruins, Carolina Panthers,
LA Angels of Anaheim, New Jersey Nets, Philadelphia 76ers,
Philadelphia Flyers, Seattle Mariners, Washington Capitals, Washington
Wizards, The NBA, The NFL, The NHL, The MLB, WESH 2 News Orlando, WFTV
9 News Orlando and WKMG 6 News Orlando, The Orlando Sentinel:

As we have set home and watched the last few Orlando Magic games we
could not help but become irritated and lose all restraint about
letting people know our and others experience with Red Bow Photo
Orlando. They have not paid any of their contractors for an entire
1/2 season of photography services here in Orlando. Reggie Bowser &
Kevin Chen are not moral nor are they professional or ethical business
people. They have continually lied and made excuses to the
contractors since day one about payment. We were supposed to get paid
every 30 days and to this date we have not received one payment!!

They have held two conference calls to make excuses to us for why they
have not paid us, non of which are our problems. Yet they seem to
have enough money to buy new computer systems. Also, they have fired
anyone who expresses their frustration with the situation!! Please
see the attached emails below as proof of these conference calls. If
you notice the dates, this has been going on for a over 2 months.
Three people have been let go. One was fired right on the last
conference call becasue she expressed concern over the situation.

All of the contractors have taken the moral and ethical route to live
up to our end of the agreement. We suite up and show up (until they
fire us for expressing our frustrations with their lack of
professionalism) for games and do what we were contracted to do.

We feel along with most of the other present and former contractors
that we will not be paid and just want to let anyone know who is
currently or is in negotiaons with Red Bow Photo that Reggie Bowser &
Kevin Chen are unprofessional liars with little or no moral / ethical
code and be aware to what they have done to the contractors here in

We urge all former and current Red Bow Photo Orlando contractors to
hit reply to all and share your experience with Red Bow Photo here in
Orlando. You can also send a private email to: or USPS Mail to:

Orlando Magic
8701 Maitland Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32810

And / Or

The National Basketball Association
645 Fifth Ave
New York, NY 10022

Reggie and Kevin: You should be ashamed of yourselves and do the
right thing...PAY YOUR WORKERS ASAP before we escalate this to the
next level.

If you received this email by mistake we apologize. Please forward it
on to the proper department so they are aware of Kevin and Reggie and
will do the right thing by not working with them. They lie, cheat and
behave very unethical not to mention their lack of professionalism is
something that should cause serious concern to anyone they deal with
or wish to deal with in the future.

Screwed Over By Red Bow Photo

1. On Apr 11, 2009, at 11:27 PM, James Swedberg wrote:

Hey guys,

I am setting up a phone-in meeting with Kevin Chen and possibly
Reggie Bowser (CEO) as-well. Planing on setting something up in
evening around 6:30 pm sometime this week. Please respond and let me
know if there are any conflicts in your schedule for that time.

I want everyone to rest assured that Red Bow will take care you you all.

Thanks, '

On Apr 13, 2009, at 5:51 PM, James Swedberg wrote:

Hey guys,

With the conflict of everyones schedule I feel the only time that
would work out for the meeting would be 415pm est. time, Wed. the 15 I
will be sending out info on the call later. If anyone feels this will
still be an inconvenience please let me know.

This meeting will be informative, mainly answering questions on pay,
as-well as addressing the issue of sales; shouldn't take much longer
then 15 min.

Kevin I would like to address strategies on improving sales, as-well
as addressing any other strategies that would improve our volume.

Call for wed game will be at 5:00pm. It is an 8:00pm game.
Please respond ASAP


3. On Apr 14, 2009, at 2:03 AM, James Swedberg wrote:

Here is the conference number and the participant access code.

If you have an issue with this time let me know.

Again the meeting is at 4:15pm est. time

Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-0080
Participant Access Code: 934110#

Thanks, James

4. On May 1, 2009, at 10:00 PM, James Swedberg wrote:


I would like you to attend a conference call on Monday the 4th
(between the hours of 12:00pm-7:00pm) with Reginale Bowser (CEO) as
well as Kevin Chen to answer any questions or concerns you have.

Please let me know what time is convent for you so we may schedual
this meeting appropriately.

Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-0080
Participant Access Code: 934110#

I would also like to thank you all for your hard work and dedication
you have put forth thus far.

James Swedberg
Red Bow Orlando

5. On May 3, 2009, at 4:15 PM, Kevin H. Chen wrote:


I am still waiting for confirmation from Reggie – so please continue
to stay tuned. Thanks.


6. On May 3, 2009, at 9:17 PM, Kevin H. Chen wrote:


We are confirmed for tomorrow at 1:45 EST.



The National Basketball Association
645 Fifth Ave
New York, NY 10022

Orlando Magic
8701 Maitland Summit Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32810

Anaheim Ducks
2695 E Katella Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92806

Boston Bruins
TD Banknorth Garden
100 Legends Way
Boston, MA 02114

Carolina Panthers
800 South Mint Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

New Jersey Nets

390 Murray Hill Parkway
East Rutherford, NJ 07073

Philadelphia Flyers
3601 S. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19148-5297

Seattle Mariners
P.O. Box 4100
Seattle, WA 98194-0100

Washington Capitals
627 North Glebe Rd
Suite 850
Arlington, VA 22203

Washington Wizards
601 F. Street NW
Washington, DC 2004-1603

WESH 2 News, Orlando
1021 N. Wymore Road
Winter Park, FL 32789

WFTV News 9
490 E. South St.
Orlando, FL 32801
62 days ago by Atiya +1 Votes
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I am also a photographer stiffed by Red Bow and Reginald Bowser. This company owes me money from photographing the inauguration in January 2009 and subsequent work for shooting Washington Wizards and Capitols games at the Verizon Center. I have received one check which was a partial payment. That check was handed to me by Jeremy Mikell employee of Red Bow at the Verizon Center. At that time we were sent emails that they would bring our checks if we agreed to work the game.
See excerpt (cut and pasted, not -edited) from email:
... If you are receiving this email you have worked for us in the past. We are aware of our delays in payroll and want to make you aware that checks will be mailed out this month. If you are interested in working either of these two games, we will hand you your check upon arrival.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you will be working to ensure we bring your check to the venue. We look forward to hearing from you.
Team Red Bow

This was after making several attempts to contact the former Site Manager Winston. His cell phone just rang and the voicemail was full and on the one occasion that I did get through to voicemail I did not get a reply even to say that he no longer worked for RedBow. I am not accusing Winston of any wrongdoing. Just mentioning that there was no point of contact in DC for me to follow up with regarding pay for the Verizon Center. Calls to Red Bow went unreturned.

I pretended to be interested in working the game because when I asked if I could pick up my check at the Verizon Center, I was again asked to work the game. I could never get a clear definitive answer that I could pick up my check without working the game. When I showed up at the Verizon Center I was asked to "suit up 'get a camera and prepare to shoot with no mention of pay. I informed Jeremy that I was unable to work that game and needed to collect my check. The payment was for hours posted on the 15th of the month. The payment that I should have received for hours posted on the 30th of that month as was the custom for payroll, has not been received along with the pay from January.

Redbow has never tried to make any contact with me unless it was in the request of working for them. They have responded once via email stating that they were waiting for a third-party vendor to pay them so they could pay their photographers.

Who is this vendor?

I confronted Reggie Bowser face to face on the day of the start of this assignment to ask why we were filling out the wrong tax form? He stated that it did not matter as long as they had the correct information. Knowing this to be untrue I tried to pursue it further but he refused to have any further conversation with me.

I would like to become part of any class action suit against him.


Atiya C. Driver
2009-10-15 08:04:45 by Jason J. Row
It turns out that Red Bow (ShortQue) has been advertising on it's site association with organizations that has never heard of them. In my opinion, NOTHING they do is legit. Bowser is a sociopath in my opinion and I also believe him to be criminal in intent and action. His history has shown nothing but lies, deciet and a wake of financial ruin. He is one of the people who helped bankrupt this country for God's sake! is his latest scam. ShortQue is a Red Bow Company...

"Mr. XXX,

I will find out for you and get back in touch. This Red Bow organization is as unethical as they come. You're school was listed here:, however...since this has been exposed, they have taken the link down as you can see. However...I did save it in PDF format attached here.

You are not the only person or organization who I had this response from. Rest assured we are letting all listed schools know about this fraud and misuse of their name and or their involvement with a company involved in alleged criminal activity.

I am cc: this to my lawyer and his assistant. Please feel free to reach out to either of us to discuss this. We are in process of gathering evidence for a class action suit against this company built of criminals and fraud. We would welcome adding you to our list or you might want to seek criminal misconduct charges against them yourself.

I can be reached at the L.A. number listed below until mid-September and then the FL number after that or anytime on my cell.

In the spirit of full disclosure I am also cc:ing Bowser and his attorney. When the truth is on your side one has nothing to hide :-)

Jason J. Row
President & CEO
PXL8IT Direct Marketing Services

On Aug 14, 2009, at 9:01 AM, XXX XXX wrote:

Thanks for your email. I have looked into this, and I do not know why our school name is associated with this company. I have questioned anyone on campus who would have used a photography service, and no one has ever heard of them. We use a service that is right here in town. If you happen to know who here used them, please let me know.

Head of School
Annunciation XXX School

From: Jason Row []
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:56 PM
Cc: Reginald Bowser; Dain Dulaney; James Swedberg; Kevin H. Chen
Subject: [ATTN: SPAM?] RED BOW (ShortQue Photo) alleged CRIMINAL activity WARNING to Annunciation Orthodox School
Importance: Low

Dear Principal XXX, Coach XXX, Mr. XXX & Staff at Annunciation XXX School,

In our investigation of Red Bow (owner of ShortQue Photo) for alleged criminal activities in the state of FL we uncovered that you do business with them.

We thought you should know the dealings of Red Bow and of Reginald Bowser. Please review the emails below and follow the links to the complaints against him and his company as well as Mr. Chen.

It also turns out there is a Facebook site dedicated to them and their alleged criminal activities:

Make your own decision to continue any relationship with Bowser and Red Bow.

If I were you I would be ashamed to be associated with them and have your name on their web site.

In business, reputation is everything!

In the spirit of full disclosure we are cc:ing Bowser and his attorney.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Jason J. Row"
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