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2018-07-03 05:59:57 by Bruna shah
It is also know as acne medicamentosa. 4. Cosmetic acne - This is activated by the use of oil rich skincare items that block the skin pores. It is also known as acne cosmetica or pomade acne. 5. Occupational acne - This is activated by machine natural oils, coal tar kinds and halogenated hydrocarbons especially by those who are exposed to them in their type of duty. 6. Acne detergens - This is activated by extreme cleaning of the experience as it can stimulate the skin sebaceous glands to produce more natural oils or oil which can block the skin pores. 7. Mechanical acne - This is activated by physical trauma and mechanical breakage of skin sebaceous glands by external forces such as bicycle helmets, stiff shirt collars or headbands. It is also known as acne mechanica. 8. Chloracne - This is activated by visibility to halogenated hydrocarbons such as chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofuranes through either direct contact, inhalation or ingestion of contaminated meals. 9.
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