cali naturals cbd - |
2019-09-27 12:06:39 by cali naturals cbd
Toxins can be carcinogenic or cancer causing. Toxins damage the DNA or genetic material in our cells. The DNA controls things like when the cell divides or reproduces itself. When the DNA is damaged by toxins, cells may start dividing out of control which is a cancer.vToxins can be teratogenic, meaning that they can cause birth defects. Remember thalidomide? It was prescribed to pregnant women suffering from morning sickness by doctors in the late 1950's. It caused sever birth defects in babies (it was teratogenic).Toxins can interfere with normal development in childhood, or can lead to damage of the reproductive organs and the ability to reproduce.vThere is good news too-you can help your body detoxify itself.Toxins can act like hormones in the body and disrupt the body's inherent hormonal balance. With hormone balance thrown off, many health problems can result.These are just a few of the categories of how toxins can impact our health. Toxins impact our health in many ways that we are just learning about. There are neurotoxins (brain, nerves), immune system toxins (weaken our immunity), kidney and liver toxins (damage our detox organs lessening our ability to detoxify) and more.
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