Ocean Dental Cancun Mexico Complaints

Ocean Dental Cancun Mexico - Dentistar is the worth clinic ever

2012-05-11 14:21:45 by Federic
Went in for normal 6 month cleaning, NEVER miss. I have arrived early but they they kept me waiting for my 8:45 appointment until almost 9:15. Then instead of the normal cleaning/evaluation, x rays the "hygienist" said I had to get up out of the chair (with the ridiculous napkin around my neck)before she went any further, to discuss payment with the receptionist. I have told her I wanted to get my teeth cleaned as my insurance provides this 2 times a year. I refused to make any payment arrangements. I never even saw a dentist. I will NEVER go back again! They want to make your pockets empty instad of providing you a good dental service.
5 Responses
2012-05-11 14:23:24 by Frederic
Bad Experiance
2013-08-14 16:42:35 by Aletta
Keep up the writing. I stetard it about three years ago and now make enough to beat my husband's unemployment check, which just ran out. I know traveling is so much fun, but the writing will pay for the trips. Eventually. If you do travel, please write about it so I can live vicariously through you.
2013-08-23 06:47:24 by Cristi
It can be easier to learn Spanish than German when English is ya <a href="">mohter</a> tongue because when you're learning a language which doesen't seem alike to English, there's an easy way of remembering recent vocabulary (it can be useful only if you already know their meaning but can't remember the Spanish word at all): > mistake the words you can't remember with the first English word/ slang that comes to ya mind when you say it and keep in mind that's not the correct pronunciation, coz these are just some notes to remember the right word.For example, Hf3la (Hi) = Hula*Mito (myth) = me too*tino (caution) = tea no* Hombre (man) = own brainBetter yet if the English associations don't make any sense, because you'll remember them very quickly. It's always easier to the human brain to remember things you laugh that's how I've learnt that Irish word bodre1n. I've made up bow rown ^^
2013-08-25 09:01:23 by Neil
First you need to differenciate regalur from irregalur verbs. I think regalur verbs are quite easy to conjugate, the problem should be with irregalur ones.But there is still rules for irregalur verbs, I don't know all the rules, I can just speak because I'm used to, but I'm sure you can find a grammar book where they explain the rules for irregalur verbs.All you need to do is to spend more time on the books [url=]kqsyvcdle[/url] [link=]shdskst[/link]
2013-09-02 23:46:12 by Yassine
Great stfuf, you helped me out so much! [url=]kquewwux[/url] [link=]lsvmlzsan[/link]
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