Citizen Dental Clinic Complaints

Citizen Dental Clinic - Dental Implant Malpractice

2009-11-30 12:22:14 by Tammy Duong
It is with immense disappointment, distress and annoyance that I submit this complaint to you and your Association. I am an international patient from Canada, and September 2008 I came to Mumbai, India to have dental implants and restorations at Citizen Dental clinic (, by Dr. Anand Krishnamurthy through the company, Forerunner Healthcare ( which operates by Dr. Bojwani Dheeraj. Dr. Anand had charged me 10 implants, but the recent X-ray taking by my local Oral and Maxillary surgeon showed only 9 implants. As per contract before I came to Mumbai, my dental implants were supposed to be Zimmer dental implant system, but Dr. Anand had replaced it by Equinox, Uniti system without telling me in advance or my consent. As you know the Uniti, Equinox from Holland is not even FDA registered. My restorations were supposed to be Procera, and Dr. Anand finished them by something else.

A couple months after the dental implants procedure, I made appointment with my local Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon for check up to make sure everything is fine. By looking at the digital image, my local dentist told me the implants are not Zimmer system but something else. I emailed Dr. Anand in Navi Mumbai, and he admitted that he had used Uniti Equinox system instead. He assured me that "Uniti implants from Equinox, Holland which are the best for aesthetic restorations, and come in wide diameter which are good for long term predictability". I was quoted and paid for Zimmer in return I got Uniti Equinox.
In addition Dr. Anand told me he had both Zimmer and Eqninox implants parts in his clinic, but he decided to use Eqninox because “they are best for me”. I had emailed Zimmer dental implants head office to verify what he had said. Weston Pettersen, Int'l Sales Manager - Asia Pacific, from Zimmer had replied to my email and confirmed that Dr. Anand never place any order from Zimmer.
Back in September 2008, when questioning about the delaying in my crowns and veneers, the technician at the Illusion Dental laboratory, Mumbai, who is nephew of the dental lab’s owner at Mumbai, told me to wait for my teeth came back from Sweden because they are procera. What a barefaced liar! They had failed to provide me the Procera file number, and later admitted that my restorations were not Procera. If I did not request the procera file, the fraud would never been brought to light. What a shameful! I am shocking to understand that these types of clinicians and lab have lowered the credibility of Indians.

I guess this is not the first time Dr. Anand and the Illusion Lab have been cheated on customers. They advertised the Zimmer dental implants system, and then used an inferior brand instead. I feel strongly that I should inform you and your association about the fraud that Dr. Anand and the lab had deceived me.

I can't believe some people are willing to go to whatever length and cross all boundaries of moral decency to make profit by cheating and lying. I have sent numerous emails and make lot of phone calls to Dr. Anand and Illusion Lab and requested them to have a clear answer for their wrong doing, but there is not a single replying back yet from Dr. Anand or the lab.
In total I had paid $679, 000 INR (six hundreds and seventy-nine thousand) to Dr. Anand. As a result of this complaint, I would now like your association take action on Dr. Anand to prevent him in further wrong doing. I do not want this doctor may have pulled the same bait & switch on others. I didn't want to see anyone else taken advantage of and was just being a concerned patient/citizen.
My email Id:
16 Responses
2009-11-30 12:25:35 by Zack
I did start a process travel to India for treatment and I found online forerunners health care with Dr Bojwani to be treated in Apollo new Delhi referred by my mom Dr and we did agreed to pay 8000 US dollars for 9 days treatment at hospital and 7 days at hotel. Everything was done appropriately by our part and my mom traveled to India for the treatment. Mr Saint Bahri Bojwani assistant Phone number is 0091 93713 92088 received them at the airport. He told us the admission to the Apollo hospital was been ok and My Mom will phone me the next day as she was tired and sleepless and gave us room number to contact them the next day. Our effort to contact with my mom was fruitless we tried for two days to reach my mom but was impossible. All our call to Dr Bojwani never been returned either. On the third day finally we got in touch with him to find out she was admitted at Arthemis heath institute. Totally surprise and we asked him to talk to them and he gave us a phone number 919971254079 with the name of Jennifer who answers Apollo Artemis and she communicates my mom with me. We were glad she was ok but very disappointed for the whole situation. That not to mention we gave a deposit 25 %.We had to pay another 8000 and transfer my mom to Apollo new delhi.<br />
<br />
I will never ever suggest forerunners to anybody.<br />
<br />
2009-11-30 12:26:18 by Zack
There are absolutely no benefits contact forerunners as they specified below in their web site. Do contact directly the hospitals marketing department. You can find them easy by Google and they will accommodate everything even visa process pickups and drop-off from the airport.

why can't I access these Indian healthcare facilities directly?

Ans You can. However, as you may know that india is a very large country with innumerable tertiary health care centers each specializing in different areas of tertiary care. You might have difficulty in locating the facility appropriate to your particular healthcare problem within your budget. Moreover, even to do this you might need to visit healthcare facilities each at distances of over 1000 miles from one another. Imagine trying to make travel, lodging and boarding arrangements, fixing doctors appointments, keeping schedules etc. And finally about taking the decision itself all these would not only add to your costs but also to your stress levels and you would agree that this is something you can do without.

The Forerunners takes care of all these hassles. Even before you buy your airline ticket, your case is studied by a specialist of your choice who will advice you the best treatment and would appropriately treat your case on your arrival.

The company will also provide precise assessment of cost involved to the health visitor. In all cases this would be the optimum one, given our doctor network. Which means that we will ensure that the health visitor is given the best treatment at least cost.
2010-04-22 16:13:16 by Tammy
I still have all the receipts and emails from Dr. Anand. If any one want to see them, please fell free to email me. Good luck for Dr. Anand if he wants to sue me. I have all the evidence/document that support for my story. I hope one day we will meet together in course.
2010-04-25 02:46:33 by Cyber Crime Cell India
This thread and posts are directly under the scrutiny of the Cyber Crime Cell,Commissioner of Police-Maharashtra India.Legal Notices have been sent to relevant parties.
2010-12-11 05:46:06 by HappyRon


Thanks for your reflections and exposing the white collar crooks and criminals in the Indian medical and dental industry.

If you read ( website operated by Dr. Bojwani Dheeraj it is easy to evaluate the agent (dalal) he is. He may be a doctor, but have you seen his credentials?

India is saturated with a lot of doctors who never practiced their title.

As for and Dr. Anand Krishnamurthy, you should sue them in the Court of Law and most importantly stage a protest outside his clinic so that all visiting patients will refrain from any treatment from these scum bags. It is not that difficult.

A travel agent in Mumbai refused to refund airfares on a canceled travel sector and gave me a run for 3 months. Finally, I showed up at his office and demanded payment at 10am. His office claimed him absent, I refused to leave his office, at 12noo he shows up, issues a bank cheque that I attempted to cash at the bank across his office at 3pm, the cheque bounced, I returned to his office and demanded payment in cash, just the same way as I paid him at the time of booking my airline ticket. I refused to accept another cheque. Finally, at 4pm I got my refund in cash. At that time, I told him, he was very lucky to pay me because I was mentally and physically prepared to trash his office equipment as well as his computer infrastructure.

This is the only language the Indian crooks and criminals understand.
2010-12-29 01:55:09 by harshika singh
Thanks for giving this information of "dental implants in india". It is the type of blog I need to read when I am interested in a certain medical issue.

I have one site which provides full facility related to dental Treatment, dental implants in Delhi India. For more information Explore
2010-12-29 01:55:51 by preeti
Very interesting blog giving the details about a good Dental implants in india.

I have one site name which provides Top Notch Quality Dental Treatment which includes Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants and Tooth Restorations in New Delhi, INDIA. Visit:--
2011-05-10 19:03:53 by Rich
Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 17:47:44 +0530
Subject: Greivance Registration No. PRSEC/E/2009/10865 and 10866, dated 20th November-2009.


Mr. Richard Bamberger,

With reference to Registration No. PRSEC/E/2009/10865 and 10866 received from PGCOM dated 11-03-2011. It is to inform that nodal
officer Apollo Hospital of this Date has sought comments from Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. As per the reply, Apollo Hospital has terminated agreement with
M/s Forerunners Healthcare Consultants, whose CEO is Dr. Dhiraj Bhojwani for removing their hospital name, details about their doctors/facilities from the
website of agency i.e. and any other marketing or communication materials w.e.f. 18th Dec-2009. Moreover this Directorate is responsible for registration of Private Hospitals,Delhi and has no control/Registration of such firms who deal in foreign patients coming for treatment in private hospitals in Delhi.

Dr. Lily Gangmei
Directorate of Health Services,
Govt. NCT of Delhi
2011-06-06 09:21:52 by toothworld
i am dentist based in mumbai ,sorry to hear what happened to you..there is no question about way you were cheated was wrong..but i think you will be fine unit i implants..have used it myself without much trouble..thats only worry i can get of your mind ..if procedure is well done your not going to have how much i know dr anand krishnamurthy i am fairly sure he follows good protocol..but he should have taken your consents..
2012-11-22 20:23:19 by Maya Dhari Amrit Lal Swami
In this country (USA) we talk of "Medical Tourism" and high quality medical profession. My experience, during my recent visit in the month of September, 2012, proves otherwise. My RCT treatment was left midway and an ill fitting crown was put on the socalled treated RC by a socalled qualified dentist in Delhi. As a result I had to get my teeth extracted and now I am confronted with the prospect of getting a part of my jaw being sawed off becauses of necrosis of the bone. In addition, I had to be given nerve block repeatedly during RCT which has caused paresthesia of my upper lip, chin and adjoining teeth. I have all radiological and written evidence to this effect provided by the dentist herself. For the last 2 months I continue to be in great agony.
Is there any forum/ombudusman/legal authority or otherwise where I can take my complaint to?
Maya Swami
15311 136th Ave East
Puyallup Wahington State
2013-08-16 04:12:21 by Christiana
You write so holtesny about this. Thanks for sharing!
2013-08-24 02:46:07 by Andrej
If you're interested in<a href=""> dnteal</a> implants, the best option for you is to come to our clinic located in El Salvador, is an option for you to get this type of procedure at a lower cost and also you get the opportunity to enjoy all the beautiful things that this amazing country has to offer. For more information you can contact us at 1-800-783-0198Lorenzana Dental Center has the only doctor in Central and South America certified by The American Board of Prosthodontics
2013-08-24 16:53:36 by Alexander
That's a creative answer to a diflucift question [url=]dckvkbubwiz[/url] [link=]gtteeimb[/link]
2013-08-27 07:35:17 by Kaung
I know that Tyra does all these talk shows with real women to send out a cautionary<a href=""> mgesase</a> to the publice but I think she should be a little more considerate when interviewing the ladies who risk being scrutinized by the public. Tyra just comes across as a bit critical instead of consoling.
2013-09-03 19:35:32 by Lance
I have Delta Dental and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I was told in a written leettr from BC/BS that I had to chose between the two of them. Neither insurance supplemented the other so I chose Delta Dental. It's possible that other insurances won't supplement your Delta Dental either but in checking out the sources given you by others who answered your question you might find one. If the information doesn't cover supplementing give the source a call and find out if they will supplement Delta Dental before signing up. [url=]nusumyay[/url] [link=]becgfqmje[/link]
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