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2022-11-29 12:18:40 by Marianoswc
'Star Wars'
across 1977, George Lucas a film director famed for a badly cut beard and the use of too many special effects in his movies created a sci fi saga. This cinematic canon we now know as Star Wars. It's approximated Lucas started work on the first draft of the first film back in 1972, Where he considered it might have worked in the news as a Saturday afternoon serial. It's this very early stage that leads many fans to argue Lucas had written nine parts to the saga, rather than the six that he now claims. Lucas is alone who knows the truth and continues to release conflicting statements about the matter. A Time mag article dated 6 March, 1978, Even described that Lucas was planning 12 episodes in total.
Warning the rest of this Entry contains information that some might have to say is spoilers.
gi joe Episode IV 'A New Hope', 1977Star Wars was the shocked success of 1977, Not least to numerous actors in the film, Who this is why profited from its success having accepted a percentage of the gross return, rather than taking (What would have become) A smaller fee honest. This was area of the deal struck with the actors when production began in 1975, As the studio only gave Lucas a small fraction of the budget that the later films were made on. While Lucas slaved away on that which was, For your dog, a personal project, Many of his contemporaries in can be industry, including Brian De Palma and Lucas's own wife, Film manager Marcia Lucas, Felt he was wasting his time on what might end up a major flop. One lone voice of support begun Steven Spielberg, Who more common what Lucas was attempting and encouraged him to carry on.
the particular opening scrolling narration identifies the film as 'Episode IV' (Although the particular first cinema release didn't have this subtitle), This was a mention of the old Flash Gordon films that inspired it. with the negativity that had surrounded the project, Right up to the time that the film was already released, It was thought of solely apropos being a one off. The audiences that queued round the block in its first week of release changed so much. Only after the film had broken box office records was Lucas able to make sure further episodes were on the way, And once the first sequel was confirmed re release prints of the exorcist were slightly re edited to carry the subtitles 'Episode IV A New Hope'. The film was eventually renamed Star Wars Episode IV 'A New Hope' in 1997 after the release of the re edited special.
most CharactersLuke Skywalker (dent Hamill)princess or queen Leia (barbara Fisher)Han solitary (Harrison frd)Obi wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness)g 3PO (Anthony Daniels)R2 D2 (Kenny Baker)Chewbacca (cindy Mayhew)Darth Vader (Body performed by Dave Prowse, tone of voice by an uncredited James Earl Jones)thousand Moff Tarkin (andrew d Cushing1)Plot OutlineA New Hope took audiences to 'A long time ago. In a universe, very far, Far away' that the Rebellion, confronted by a deadly battle station called the 'Death Star', Made connection with Obi wan Kenobi, A long retired Jedi Master who had acquired a young newbie, A farm boy called Luke Skywalker. The Jedi were an order from long ago that kept peace in the galaxy before they their business were destroyed by the Empire. They harnessed the light Side of the Force, A unexplainable energy that surrounds us all. The Jedi Master taught the ways of the Force to young Luke, Who was the son of some other Jedi, Now always dead. Obi wan tells Luke of the dark side and of Darth Vader, that also, He updates Luke, destroyed his father. Vader is regarded as the commanders of the Empire, A tyrannical strategy that rules the galaxy, A regime that the Rebellion really wants to bring to an end. Obi wan and Luke team program a smuggler called Han Solo and his co pilot, A wookiee2 called Chewbacca, in an attempt to destroy the Death Star using plans hidden in the memory of a small droid.
ProductionDespite budgetary constraints3Star Wars consistently pushed back the boundaries of filmmaking. George Lucas even set up business oriented Light and Magic (ILM) To create some of the special effects techniques simply because the resources to realise his vision didn't exist at the time. Before Star Wars came along, All blue/black screen shots of a vehicle moving required the object to change position a stationary camera. the following, many different reasons (Such as the setting up of the kit that makes the object move and the longer editing process) Was very expensive. ILM found that if you moved the digital camera around a stationary object in a certain way, Then super imposed the right qualities, The object appeared to move, assure at such a great cost. This is how many TIE Fighter and dogfight scenes in Star Wars were filmed.
transformers Holiday SpecialThe star wars Holiday Special, Shown in the united states during Christmas 1978, Was filmed hot on the heels of the tornado success of the first film. Revolving around Chewbacca returning home for Wookiee Life Day activities, It brought together the vast majority of cast from the first film and was also the first sighting of Boba Fett, Who would go on to be an important part of the next two films. It have shown very unpopular with fans, And they had very little positive to say of it. Lucas has even announced that he would happily hunt down every copy of the film and destroy it. Never repeated in the us alone, Or elsewhere, Its memory only has stayed alive through bootleg copies.
transformers Episode V 'The Empire Strikes Back', 1980Principal CharactersLuke Skywalker (spot Hamill)princess Leia (carrie Fisher)Han destroy (Harrison ford)Obi wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness)c 3PO (Anthony Daniels)R2 D2 (Kenny Baker)Chewbacca (andrew d Mayhew)Darth Vader (Body by dork Prowse, phone by James Earl Jones, Uncredited)Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams)some Emperor (photography uncredited, voice Clive Revill)Yoda (frank Oz, Voice and puppet pro)Boba Fett (Jeremy Bullock)Plot OutlineThe Empire quickly pursues the Rebel alliance to its new base on the ice planet Hoth, And routs them in a massive assault. The connections flees and its new heroes Luke, Leia and Han apart. Luke considers out Yoda, An old Jedi owner (He's 900 years old obviously), Who then helps Luke complete his Jedi study. unfortunately, Vader quickly takes benefit from a chance to capture Leia and Han a place called Cloud City. Luke's broadening powers reveal the threat and he reacts, As every good hero really need to, But too late to save all of his friends.
Yoda's voice PatternDescribed as 'frankly weird', Yoda has the strangest speech pattern in the universe. From his mouth have sprung such immortal, And totally confusing, Lines as 'guide for you to definitely him I will'; 'around the children a perimeter create' and 'size matters not'. most of the time, Yoda takes the first two words of a sentence and puts them at the end. that? It might have something to do with Frank Oz4 being the man behind the green skinned bat eared creature. The context of the previous film is also changed quite <a href=>chnlove scam</a> a bit by a plot twist, The popular 'Luke, I am your father' tracks, Where Darth Vader reveals many of Luke's heritage to him. Most have found that this scene importantly changes the audience's perception of the previous film where Obi wan tells Luke his father was 'killed' by Darth Vader.
ProductionThis film opened up new challenges to film makers. now the blue screen technique was used in a snow scene. This created real problems for ILM, Which they weren't able to rectify until the exclusive edition 17 years later. the key problem was that when transferring the blue screen shots of the models (And of views from the cockpits of the fighters) Onto the white prior experience of the snow, A black line would appear around the models. good, This was always the case when shooting against blue screen, anyhow, Usually the models were place into space, Which is black, So the outline is unseen up quite so badly. ILM found a trick to get around this disorder back in 1980. They made the cockpits and the models slightly clear, So the black line was toned down. Unfortunately this way, Audiences could see your cockpits in some scenes.
the exorcist Episode VI 'Return of the Jedi', 1983Principal CharactersLuke Skywalker (make Hamill)queen Leia (carrie Fisher)Han by yourself (Harrison honda)Obi wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness)d 3PO (Anthony Daniels)R2 D2 (Kenny Baker)Chewbacca (bob Mayhew)Darth Vader (Body by dave Prowse, tone by James Earl Jones, Finally because of)Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams)your Emperor (Ian McDiarmid)Yoda (honest Oz, Voice and puppet commanding)Jabba the most important Hutt (lewis Ward, singing only)Boba Fett (Jeremy Bullock)Anakin Skywalker (Sebastian Shaw, Both as the face under Vader's mask and as the ghost of Skywalker, Reunited with the spirits of the Jedi when they get home of the film5.)Plot OutlineThe final film in the gi joe saga (although it was the third one made) This told the true story of the Skywalker family. Vader is Luke's biological father, nevertheless as Obi wan says, 'he is more component than man now', And Leia is Luke's cal king sister6. A new Death Star had been built near the moon of Endor and, As the Rebellion sought to tear up it, Luke experienced his father there. He saw the excellent in him and Vader (Or Anakin on his return to the sunshine Side of the Force) killed the Emperor, anything else known as Darth Sidious. along with your Emperor dead, The Rebellion had won and peace taken back to the galaxy.
ProductionAn interesting piece of information appears when the production of Jedi is examined. When filming the exterior shots for the Jabba the Hutt sequence, Jedi was presented with the fictional name of Blue Harvest. t-shirts and caps were even made for the crew to wear. This was done so eager fans didn't attack the set. But it could not stop them. At one point the film would be called Revenge of the Jedi, However Lucas decided your idea because 'revenge isn't something a Jedi would do'.
Some have argued that the title Return of the Jedi works on a large number of levels. Simplistically, It's about the return of the Jedi movement in the form of Luke. It's also about Luke's return to his home world to rescue uncle Han. But it is argued (specifically in the light of the later prequels) That it's about the spiritual return of the Jedi Darth Vader once was, available Anakin Skywalker.
EwoksReturn of the Jedi introduced the guests to the Ewok race of the planet Endor. Their 'cuteness' factor proved incredibly loved among children and two made for TV films (Though they were shown theatrically outside of the US) Were published, The Ewok expedition (delivered in cinemas as Caravan of Courage) And Ewoks campaign for Endor. Some felt it actually was poor form, And destroyed the potency of the films, So Return of the Jedi was often mockingly termed as 'Return of the Tedi' (saw teddy).
significant EditionsIn 1997, Lucasfilm released the Star Wars Trilogy Special Editions to coincide with the 20th house warming of Star Wars. In the Special Editions new scenes were added to the original trilogy and certain effects were cleaned up to rectify problems. the most known addition was that of Jabba the Hutt to A New Hope. In the main the audiences hear of him, But don't see him. In the special edition, Old footage is added to a new computer generated image to bring him into the first film. Other notable innovations are:
The snow scene in Empire Strikes Back has been cleaned up so the vehicles are no longer transparent in some scenes.
Jabba the Hutt's lair scene to return the favour of the Jedi has a longer musical sequence (Specially filmed for the special edition and featuring the original actors).
The overall excellence of the pictures is improved, And the inclusion of a few added CGI extras. over time the film negatives had bleached, So this was also fixed.
Cloud City in Empire moves Back is 'opened up'. Windows were added to internal shots so the viewers could see the rest of Cloud City.
The end of Return of the Jedi was re cut to include shots of Coruscant and Tatooine celebrating the downfall of the Empire. A new score by John Williams was also added.
the exorcist Episode I 'The Phantom Menace', 1999Principal CharactersQui Gon Jin (Liam Neeson)Obi wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor)g 3PO (Anthony Daniels)R2 D2 (Kenny Baker)container bottle Binks (Ahmed prime, person only)Anakin Skywalker (john Williams)Mace Windu (Samuel L knutson)Darth Sidious/Senator Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid)Darth Maul (Ray village green)Yoda (honest Oz, Voice and puppet crush)twin Amidala (Natalie Portman)block OutlineThe film (beginning with an innocuous trade dispute) Races around to introduce the key players of the first three films and sets up the course of the entire film sequence, and not just focusing too much on plot detail. The series is revealed to be all the memories story of Anakin Skywalker7, A messianic individuality, Conceived by the Force and determined to restore balance to the Force after a thousand years of stagnation under the Jedi Council.
ProductionReleased some 16 years after yield of the Jedi, The new film attracted a lot of pr and hype in the weeks preceding its release. Whether it lived up to this publicity is for the listeners to decide. In true Lucas system, Phantom Menace tried to be novel, With the roll-out of the Jar Jar Binks character one of the first fully computer animated main characters in a movie. the fact is that, He was perhaps also a annoying.
In the film, Vader is a young boy Anakin Skywalker and Obi wan Kenobi a young Jedi trainee, And Yoda actually, He is still about 800 yoa. these Jedi, Alive and well obtainable in this film, Sense that Anakin is the one who will restore balance to the Force and so take him on as a Jedi trainee. A character that nobody is familiar with but who is the central plot of the third film, Is also presented Queen Amidala8. of great curiosity also is the Sith Lord Darth Maul, A red faced almost demonic figure who wields a double ended lightsaber with consummate capabilities, His perfect being the Emperor (Also in the film, Although he is simply Senator in the Galactic Senate, Who then later becomes great Chancellor).
star wars Episode II 'Attack of the Clones', 2002Principal CharactersObi wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor)Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen)k 3PO (Anthony Daniels)R2 D2 (Kenny Baker)bottle container Binks (Ahmed leading, singing only)Mace Windu (Samuel L jackson)Darth Sidious/Senator Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid)Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku (christopher Lee9)Yoda (frank Oz, tone only)Senator Amidala (Natalie Portman)Qui Gon Jin (Liam Neeson, voice mail only)Plot OutlineThis film focused countless other on plot than Phantom Menace, With Anakin dealing with his mother's death and then falling obsessed about Senator Amidala; Obi wan learning of a new Galactic Army derived from clones (And meeting up with Jango Fett, Boba's father or mother); And the political intrigues of the Senate, Including the behind the scenes work of Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) that Separatists. The sense of impending doom is also high in this film not much lit quite so brightly as in the Phantom Menace.
ProductionThe Attack of the Clones might not seem that innovative on the technological front, But it was in fact a innovative production. It was the first normal movie to be filmed10, Edited and dispensed digitally. This meant that Lucas weren't required to wait until the next day for the rushes11 to see if he was happy with a take, He could simply view the recordings speedily. in addition, As just several cinemas worldwide have digital projectors, Traditional film prints were also designed. The film has later been converted for IMAX cinemas, With slight cuts made to fit onto the shorter IMAX reels.
A major step was also taken with the character of Yoda. Where prior to now he was always a puppet (aside from one long shot in The Phantom Menace where he was computer generated) choosing one was taken to make him a fully computer generated image, As had already happened with Jabba the Hutt and the newer characters in the prequel trilogy. The problem that ILM had in creating the new Yoda was that the audience already knew how he behaved and moved, And so many a lonely night was spent by ILM employees looking for ways to his ears to move in order to express various emotions such as distress; The final lightsaber duel between Yoda and Darth Tyranus was thus seen by some as trying to of the movie12. CGI was also employed late on in post producing as ILM generated 'digital stunt people', Where the action was believed as too risky for normal actors.
star wars Episode III 'Revenge of the Sith', 2005Principal CharactersObi wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor)Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen)Senator Amidala (Natalie Portman)chemical 3PO (Anthony Daniels)R2 D2 (Kenny Baker)Darth Sidious/Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid)average Grievous (Matthew wooden, vocals only)Yoda (honest Oz, vocal only)Mace Windu (Samuel L knutson)leader Cody (Temuera Morrison)Chewbacca (john p Mayhew)Plot OutlineThe film starts with the Jedi Council fighting the Separatist forces, under the command of General Grievous. Obi wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are sent to rescue Chancellor Palpatine from Grievous, And in doing so their pairing becomes strained. Anakin then locates his wife Padm is pregnant, But has visions of her dying giving birth. These visions push him closer to the Chancellor, Who in turn invokes Order 66 the exploitation of the Jedi Order. Anakin turns to the Dark Side to save his wife, Thus changing to Darth Vader.
ProductionRevenge of the Sith speaks of Anakin Skywalker's fall from grace, And his subsequent change into the Sith Lord Darth Vader. But it also saw George Lucas on screen the very first time on the making of all the Star Wars films (Plus his minimal ones), component a blue skinned alien politician. His was not the only cameo appearance in the film, For Han Solo's Millenium Falcon can be identified too. Lucas was hoping how the 'final' film would be his Magnum opus, regardless, It failed to reach optimism both with critics (getting numerous 'Razzie' nominations) And people. thereby Lucas appeared to set himself not only the task of moving away from Star Wars and towards Indiana Jones, But also allowing others to be expanded the Star Wars universe he had created.
gi joe 'The Clone Wars', 2008Principal CharactersAnakin Skywalker (shiny Lanter, phone only)Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein, tone only)Obi wan Kenobi (david Arnold Taylor, singing voice only)chief Rex (Dee Bradley Baker, singing only)Jabba one particular Hutt (Kevin meters Richardson, style only)Mace Windu (Samuel L fitzgibbons, vocal only)Darth Sidious/Senator Palpatine (Ian Abercrombie, express only)Darth Tyranus/Count Dooku (captain christopher Lee, phone only)Asajj Ventress (Nika Futterman, express only)Yoda (jeff Kane, words only)Senator Amidala (Catherine Taber, express only)Plot OutlineSet from the time dividing Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, The plot revolves around Anakin Skywalker training a padawan13, Ahsoka Tano, through the Clone Wars. aspect Dooku has kidnapped Jabba the Hutt's son, In order to blackmail Jabba into allowing the Seperatists to use the trade routes in order of the Hutt's. on the, The Republic and the Jedi discover the plan and Yoda sends Anakin and Ahsoka to find and protect the kidnapped Huttling so as the Galactic Republic will have the favour of Jabba and his trade routes. There is continual to ing and fro ing concerned with the two sides of the Republic and the CIS, With the intervention of Obi wan Kenobi and Senator Amidala preventing the Sith powerhouses of Asajj Ventress and Darth Sidious from succeeding.
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