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2022-12-16 08:13:02 by Marianoblm
The Secret's during Pronouns
ones own goal was love, or simply sex, Or maybe some blend of the two. They have there been for speed dating.
The women sat at separate numbered tables while the men moved later on, And for two solid hours they did a turn, Making small talk with people they did not know, One to another, In three minute batches.
I had gone to record the night time, Which was put on by a company called personnel in the City, And what struck me was the noise within the room. the noise of words, of individuals talking over people talking over people talking. it was before a roar.
What speed dating seemed like
for all of us like me the grammatically challenged function words are the smallish words that tie our sentences together.
its. associated with. in fact. post. in addition to the. the. at this time. within.
"Function words are fundamentally the filler words, Pennebaker statements. "These are the words that we don't become aware of, And they're those that are so interesting,
while using way that Pennebaker organizes language, The words that we more often focus on in conversation are content words, phrase like "facility, "relative, "stay alive, "good friends" Words that conjure a specific image and relay is really a great substance of what is being discussed.
"I speak bad the spanish language, Pennebaker points out, "And if I'm in a conversation where I'm listening to your partner speak, I am just verifying what they are talking about. I am paying attention to 'what, just where, When' those big ecstatic heavy words. All those little words throughout, I don't listen to those because they're too complex to become,
additionally, is marked Pennebaker, Even in our native language, These function words are basically invisible to us.
"in conversation with hear them, Pennebaker predicts. "Humans just are unable to do it,
But methods can, this is why two decades ago Pennebaker and his graduate students sat down to build themselves a computer program.
The Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count program that Pennebaker and his students built during the early 1990s has like any computer program an ability to peer into massive data sets and discern patterns that no human could ever hope to match.
And so after Pennebaker and his crew built the software, They used it to ask all kinds of questions that had previously been too complicated or a hardship on humans to ask.
some of those questions included:
Could you tell if someone was lying by carefully analyzing the direction they used function words? Looking only at a records, Could you tell from function words whether someone was female or male, prosperous or poor? What could you tell about relationships by checking way two people spoke to each other? which brings us back to speed dating.
determine, One of the things that Pennebaker did was record and transcribe conversations that took place between people on speed dates. He fed these conversations into his program along with details about how the people themselves were perceiving the dates. What he found astounded him.
"We can predict by analyzing their vocabulary, Who will go on a date who will match at rates more advanced than the people themselves, he admits that.
accurately, What Pennabaker found was any time the language style of two people matched, if and when they used pronouns, Prepositions, Articles and so on in similar ways at similar rates, They were greatly predisposed to end up on a date.
"the actual similar <we>were looking at] Across these types of function words, The higher the chances that <these>folks] Would go on a date in a speed dating framework, Pennebaker reveals. "and also this is even cooler: We can also look at. a little daughter dating couple. <and>thus] the easier similar <this>company] may very well be. that use this language style matching metric, the much more likely <these>businesses] will still be dating three months from now,
This is not because similar people are attracted to each other, Pennebaker tells; People can be distinctive. It's that as around people that we have a genuine interest in, Our code subtly shifts.
"When two consumers are paying close attention, They use language just as, he states. "And it's one of these things that humans do expediently,
They aren't aware of it, But if you look closely at their language, count up their <a href=>chnlove real or fake</a> use of "i just, also "my, and / or "along with, you may it. It's right there.
Pennebaker has counted words to better master lots of things. He's checked lying, At direction, At who will cure trauma.
But some of his most fascinating work has to do with power dynamics. He says that by analyzing language you can tell who among two people has power in a relationship, And their cousin social status.
"It's very simple, Pennebaker reads, "Listen to the relative utilisation of the word "i will,
What you find is completely different from what most people would think. whomever with the higher status uses the word "authored" not so.
to demonstrate this Pennebaker pointed to some of his own email, A batch written long before he began studying status.
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