TM Complaints

TM - cheating patient

2010-01-08 09:58:11 by Stop Cheating
I did start a process to travel to India for medical treatment and online I found forerunners health care run by Dr Bojwani to be treated in Apollo New Delhi; and we did agree to pay 8000 US dollars for 9 days treatment at hospital and 7 days at hotel. Everything was done appropriately by our part and my mom traveled to India for the treatment. Mr Saint Bahri Bojwani assistant Phone number is 0091 93713 92088 received them at the airport. He told us the admission to the Apollo hospital has been successful and My Mom will phone me the next day as she was tired and sleepless, Mr Saint gave us room number where my mom was admitted .Our effort to contact with my mom was unsuccessful, We tried for two days to reach my mom but was impossible. All our call to Bojwani hasn’t been returned either. On the third day finally we got in touch with him to find out she was admitted at Arthemis heath institute. Totally surprise and shocked for us and we asked him to talk to them .He gave us a phone number 919971254079 with the name of Jennifer who answers Apollo and she communicated me my mom. We were glad she was ok but very disappointed with the whole situation and the lie. That not to mention we gave a deposit 30 %.We had to pay another 8000 and transfer my mom to Apollo New Delhi and gets. We have the evidence to prove it.
I will never suggest forerunners health care to anyone.
4 Responses
2010-03-24 11:17:59 by Andy Simons

this is shit from the clinic
2010-04-03 09:01:58 by Legal Cell

Re: Action for Defamation ( Date- 24th March 2010)

Dear Madam / Sir:

1. We act for Dr. Anand Krishnamurthy, an Indian national having his office at 109, Citi Corner-1, Sector- 29, Vashi, Mumbai, 400705 (“Our Client”), an internationally acclaimed cosmetic and implant dental surgeon.

2. Our Client:

a) Our Client is a member of the Indian Dental Association, Indian Academy of Esthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry and the Indian Society of Oral Implantologists. Our Client has always been an innovator and has helped establish standards in the fields of dental implants, cosmetic dentistry and modern dental technology. Our Client travels extensively to upgrade his skills and to keep abreast with newer innovations in the field of dentistry. Our Client has presented numerous papers in India and abroad, and is a course provider in the field of Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry
Our Client’s private practice is totally dedicated to endodontics, aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry, and oral implantology. He is the opinion leader for the renowned dental company Bisco International, USA.

b) Our Client has, over the last 12 years treated numerous patients in his field and is held in very high regard by his patients and his peers alike. Some testimonials indicative of Our Client’s work and reputation are attached in the Email Notice.

3. Please note:

a) That it has recently come to the notice of Our Client that you, on September 30, 2009, on December 2009 and on January 2010 have published offensive, false, unverified, unsubstantiated and defamatory statements, insinuations and innuendoes (“Impugned Acts”), on your website

b) Your ‘Impugned Acts’ lower the moral or intellectual character of Our Client in the estimation of others and bring Our Client into disrepute, contempt or ridicule .

c) That the defamatory statements can be found on you website at the following URL:

d) Copy of the defamatory statements as published on your website is enclosed herewith as Annexure B.

e) That the statements have been published:

i. In reckless disregard of the truth in making each of the defamatory statements, insinuations and innuendoes

ii. without exercise of due diligence in performance of your fiduciary duty to ascertain the truth

f) That your continued publication of false and defamatory statements is demonstrates an intent to cause emotional distress and financial loss to Our Client.

g) That Our Client is a Medical Professional of the highest standard and is extremely vulnerable to the false and defamatory statements published by you on your website. In light of the very nature of the target audience of your website your Impugned Acts cause serious harm to the reputation and financial harm to Our Client.

h) That the false and defamatory statements published by you give the appearance of independent validation and credibility because they are available for millions of internet users to see

i) That you edit, control and exert substantial influence over the content as a publisher and thus your conduct is liable for both criminal and tortuous defamation under Indian laws. This is evident from the fact that

i. there is insertion of heading, statement titles and messages for the false and defamatory statements published by you

ii. the false and defamatory statements have been given a prominent position indexed by the search engines

iii. Positive comments and statements are buried in the comment section and only the defamatory statements are programmed to be indexed and receive prominent attention.

iv. You have diverted "hits" away from Our Client, and in doing so exposed Our Client’ potential patients to defamatory remarks.

4. That in view of your ‘Impugned Acts’, we are instructed to issue this legal notice to inform you that, before filing any criminal complaint or approaching a court of law, Our Client has, without prejudice to its rights, and in all fairness, deemed it fit and proper to put you on notice of Our Client’s reputation and call on you to, inter alia:

Immediately cease and desist from any repetitions of the ‘Impugned Acts’
Immediately remove the following URL from your website:

C. Immediately remove the false and Defamatory statements, in respect of Our Client, published by you on your website
D. Immediately cease and desist from any actions that amount to defamation of Our Client
E. Publish an unconditional apology to Our Client on your website
F. Pay an amount of USD 100000 to Our Client as damages for the mental agony, loss of business and loss of reputation caused by your Impugned Acts.

5. We look forward to having the aforesaid stipulations met before March 30, 2010 failing which Our Client shall be constrained to initiate legal proceedings, civil and / or criminal, against you, which shall be at your own risk as to the costs and consequences thereof.

2010-12-08 03:51:31 by Dental Services Abroad
A person can save a considerable amount of money on cosmetic dental services and restorative work by traveling abroad and taking advantage.
2014-06-27 17:26:22 by Darp
Hi! so sorry you have to go to dentist, today. However, I know evtriehyng will go well, with Sundae's assistance. Ward just finished a root canal last week to the tune of $975. When he bought the bill in, I thought he must be paying for something in advance ..Boy! was I wrong good luck off to another dr. today
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