2010-04-09 14:24:27 by Stock Spear Head
I am ex-student of MITSOT. I request u for not taking admission on false promises.what ever they r showing in brochures, about facilities, infrastructure,PLACEMENT , everything is false. For MIT education is business. Without donation u cant get admission. When i had joined in 2007, we were told that within 2 months MITSOT will get AICTE approval, but u will not believe me, it is still not AICTE approved. For getting admission in MITSOT u don't need to have good percentage, but u need to have money.Out of 350 students of first batch hardly 50 student got placements from college, rest of students are still struggling to survive.Highest placement was 3.5 Lac/anum & only 2 student got that.Many students had taken loan for their study, but what MIT have to do with that, for MIT money is everything.what ever they are showing on brochures about various companies like HCL, TCS & 30 other companies is false. Even most of d college in PUNE is doing business. I am doing what I can do,to save other students life.
8 Responses
2010-04-09 14:25:02 by User Comments
27 days ago by Market Maestro

It is absolutely true. MIT's trustee always arrange some function, sometimes 3-4 function in a week and they call big big personalities & some toothless politicians as a chief guest. so they have very good contacts with them, so every body knows about this controversy of donation but no body is ready to open their mouth.But I have proud of saving two students's life.

25 days ago by Gautam Mehta

Ya whatever this students wrote down regarding MITSOT is damn true.

23 days ago by Abhi Joshi

Surprising!!! when i visited the place & interacted with staff, student to know about course everybody said very clearly AICTE approval is in process. Even when i interacted with couple of student out their even they said ki companies are coming in a large amount but students are not getting selected!!

Students said that HCL, Tikona, Speakwireless, Tata Technologies, L&T were also in campus!!!

Can somebdy guide me on this yr kyo ki student khud to zooth nae bolenge etna to pakka.

22 days ago by Atul Mishra

MITSOT Delivers Quality Based Education With The Dedication Of Expert Faculties In Management. I Am Proud To Be A Student Of MITSOT And I Would Like To Thank Placement Co-Ordinators And Director Of College That They Provide Us World Class Companies For Placement In This Most Challenging Situation As Like Global Recession.

Atul Kumar Mishra

22 days ago by Srijan Somvanshi

MITSOT Is On Its Way To Be The Best Professional Minds Who Occupy Envied Top Positions In The Corporate World. A Continuously Updated Curriculum Absorbing Changing Trends In The Corporate Management World With Guest Lectures From Industry Leaders And Management Experts Train The Students For The Best. In One Word, MITSOT Is THE Place Where One Can Realise His/Her Dreams.

Proud To Be Part Of MITSOT

22 days ago by Nakshtra Atrish

MITSOT is my window to the world. It was a wonderful experience for me to develop as a versatile personality. It has Groomed me to persuade Managerial Skills and its like a dream come true after getting placement in ICICI, With the strenuous endeavour of MITSOT Placement Committee.<br />
It’s very difficult to get student placed in such worse conditions.

I am really thankful to my entire faculty and members of MITSOT.

21 days ago by Patel And Patel

Ya, I am totally tune with these students, what ever snaps are there on MIT's web. is totally preplanned to attract new students. Teachers would not allow u to open laptop in classroom, if they catch u with lapy, u will end up with trouble, and in photos they are showing laptop's in class. It don't motivate creativity or natural talent, but MITSOT only believe in marking system. plz someone arrange special show of 3IDIOTS for staff of MIT.

21 days ago by Prem Prakash Dwivedi

MITSOT Is On Its Way To Be The Best Professional Minds Who Occupy Envied Top Positions In The Corporate World. A Continuously Updated Curriculum Absorbing Changing Trends In The Corporate Management World With Guest Lectures From Industry Leaders And Management Experts Train The Students For The Best. In One Word, MITSOT Is THE Place Where One Can Realise His/Her Dreams.

MITSOT is my window to the world. It was a wonderful experience for me to develop as a versatile personality. It has Groomed me to persuade Managerial Skills and its like a dream come true after getting placement in ICICI, With the strenuous endeavour of MITSOT Placement Committee.<br />
It’s very difficult to get student placed in such worse conditions.

I am really thankful to my entire faculty and members of MITSOT.

19 days ago by Manish Diwdi

i m student of 2008-10 batch . first i would like to thank the first guy who had complained about this "FARZI COLLEGE" . i have taken admission into this college becoz they promised to provide different certification like ccna, oracle, etc... but the way these certification were conducted were full of flaws and without any fruitful result to participator, In a fee structure it was written 35000 are primarily for ORACLE application certification but no such certification were conducted .After making issue of above said cheating the college came with new strategy segregating the 35000 into various parts ...out of which 10000 were secured for Various training activities for placement... but thanks to MITSOT till date we were waiting for such innovative programs.

At the last the only thing i can suggest to MBA aspirants to don't take admission in this college Becoz Academic are only on fuzzy syallbus

Placement are only on paper

Admission welcome to all if u have money in ur pocket

16 days ago by Ketkai

MITSOT is my window to the world. It was a wonderful experience for me to develop as a versatile personality. It has Groomed me to persuade Managerial Skills and its like a dream come true after getting placement in ICICI, With the strenuous endeavour of MITSOT Placement Committee.<br />
It’s very difficult to get student placed in such worse conditions.

I am really thankful to my entire faculty and members of MITSOT.

16 days ago by Ketkai

MITSOT Delivers Quality Based Education With The Dedication Of Expert Faculties In Management. I Am Proud To Be A Student Of MITSOT And I Would Like To Thank Placement Co-Ordinators And Director Of College That They Provide Us World Class Companies For Placement In This Most Challenging Situation As Like Global Recession.

16 days ago by Consumer Court

I am constrained to write to Ketkai with a deep sense of anguish, that what he/She has written here is totally wrong. He/She may have got good job, but about others? I think he/ She is very selfish bcz she thinks about herself only. He/She is cheating his own entity by hiding truth. I think this type of people can't be a good leaders, bcz they don't have guts to expose reality, I am sincerely thankful & appreciate the spirit of those guys who came forward to expose entire machination.Bcz of this type of people India is lacking behind bcz they don't have guts and those who r coming forward they try to pull them back by behaving like bottleneck. My advice to Ketkai is put urself atlest for 5 mins in place of some1 who realyy hurted by MITSOT, then ask urself what ever u r doing is this write?

Many student r writing here against the MITSOT's policy, Are they wrong or they are stupid?

Just ask ur self if u ve not got admision in MITSOT, then which place u might have today?
I think u must have reach at very good position if u have not done MBA.

16 days ago by Ketkai

I did not know, you r not real student of MITSOT because MITSOT student are good ? they are not doing this type of timepass in blog ? just ask ur self and relaize the truth because truth is truth and the truth is ...
I know MITSOT very well MITSOT Delivers Quality Based Education With The Dedication Of Expert Faculties In Management. I Am Proud To Be A Student Of MITSOT.

16 days ago by Ketkai

I don't know many student r writing here against the MITSOT's policy, Are they wrong or they are stupid?... but I sincerely said that these student are not MITSOT student they are false student, they entered false guidelines on scribe dislay on blog.

I have advice you ... you keep meditation, you have need meditation... my dear friends


15 days ago by Ketkai

I have in same college, that guy said that placement having problem but the picture is different for placement, So many students are placed in Big companies & this year Company will offer highest pay 6.4 p. a. package. So many student are placed in good position in companies.

My dear friend in your time, the market goes down it is not false of MITSOT. all over world markets are down so many employees left the comapnies.
Come on You having skills, You have student of MITSOT. Do not complaint, take opportunity, you definitely giving good job. College are giving you good eduction, good experience to survive in Market. Get up ... my dear friends. Don't be nerves.


15 days ago by Anil Sahu

Mrs. ketkai ...

the way u ve written here, I can say 1 thing surely that u are very week in english. So, How can I expect that u got placement in ICICI. I think ur profile must be selling of insurance or mutual fund. I can judge ur ability by just reading ur comments. ok so be quite & stop diverting others mind, Bcz we know ICICI can give job to anybody who r willing to work @10k.
15 days ago by Nakshatra Vijay Attrish

Who the hell u are??
Tu hai kaun ??

Aur yahan mere naam se statement kis ne likha hai??
Agar itna hi bhala karna chahta hai to MIT ke gate pe khada ho ja.
Aur ye statement jo tu baar baar copy karke daal raha hai wo mera diya hua hai ICICI wala naki kisi ketaki ya kisi aur ka.
Aur rahi baat placement ki to agar tera placement nahi hua to isme MITSOT ki koi galti nahi hai teri hai.Tere bas mein nahi tha placement lena to nahi hua.
aur agar MITSOT ke 1st Batch ke placement ki detail chaye to mujhe contact kar lena.
mera naam bhi asli hai aur main bhi
apna naam jarur email karna meri id pe.
Aur donation wapas lena hai to MIT walo se direct mang le.

15 days ago by Jravan

I don't think so, MITSOT has supported me.
I've started my own business after 6 month as I didn't get any job.
Everybody told me that If you want to do a business then why did you spent the money in MBA?
My father told me that we are handling business without MBA also.
So, what is difference between you and me? And what do you learn from your college?
I heard this kind of question everyday...

Everybody were told me that MITSOT? We never heard this kind of College for MBA, We are sure that this college is fake. At that time I didn't have words.
But Some student have not speak anything in against to this college.

So, Now I'm asking this question to everyone who in support of MITSOT?
Please reply me if you have any answers.
15 days ago by Jravan

Dear Nakshtra,

You wrote that you have a detail of those student who got the placement from MITSOT. Kindly send me a detail who got the placement from MITSOT.
I also want to know that how many student got the placements?
And how much data is right and how much data is Fake?
2010-04-09 14:25:38 by Student
15 days ago by Nakshatra Vijay Attrish [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
giv me ur contact details and ur name.
i giv u details,
I also got placement through MITSOT Campus Recruitment (u may be aware of it).
ur counting is very narrow and false.
15 days ago by Jravan [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment

Just mail me.
You don't want my name.
I'll prove then what is right and what is wrong?
15 days ago by Jignesh. [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
Guys !!

I Guess who are in favor of "MITSOT" are emotionally attached ! we all are attached BUT when it comes to Support students MITSOT scores 0,

I agree we had good faculty, good lab, good companies coming, everything is EXCLUSIVELY for students ! M I right!! "Mr, Pande"

We had good faculty wid bad Leaders, Good lab wid Expired software, good companies coming wid poor profiles, who to blame !

When is d last time Mr, SUNIL KARAD interacted wid students ! In my 2 yrs NEVER..

I totally agree wid this post they are making money out of it ! a LOT of money...
15 days ago by Jravan [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
Dear Nakshatra Vijay Attrish,

where are you?
You haven't replied me.
What happened????
15 days ago by Joseph [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
I think Nakshatra went back to ICICI. for insurance ha.. ha.. ha...
15 days ago by Jravan [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
Ya right, I'm sure.
He went to meet his client to heard abuses regarding Insurance...
15 days ago by Nakshatra Vijay Attrish [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
If u know me, u wont say like this.
I am saying everything with my original name.
If u can tell me ur name and then i will send you all the details.
1st of all there were 3 students from my class who got overseas placements.
In my class itself, there were more than 50 % students who were having more than one offers in their hand.
One more thing i m not working for getting abuses. you can think like this because you dont know anything about me.
How many times u went college?
and one more thing, dont use any of my statements without my permission.
from now i will not say anything here, because i dont want to waste my time with such kind of useless talks.
If u are really more interested then talk to me personally.
I never said that MITSOT is great institute.
But dont use fake statements with fake names.
and look arround you to get updated about the things arround you.

ye bakchodi school tak sahi rehti hai...
15 days ago by Joseph [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
Hey Nakshatra Y u r taking it personally, Our fight is not wih u, but our fight is with donation. I know u were in LM-3, but i think u were not even part of MITSOT bcz u were from MITLRE. your matter is different u there were very few students in ur class and u all got job not bcz of MBA in MIT but bcz of ur engineering background. And what ever Jravan is writing, what wrong in that?
He is totally right.
U can express your opinion, but u cant stop him by expressing his view. OK.
N if really want to send the detail of placement then send to all of us. U know we were in Placement committee. I know how CLG was forcing student to sign placement latter so they can show it any where.
In last trimester Mr.Pandey never tried to meet student for their problem.
And y we r doing this u know, Bcz 1 student commit suicide bcz he was tired from the MIT, Life.
He had taken loan for study, but he didn't get job. Its not like that he was not talented, If he was not talented then how could he have got admission in MITSOT.

Plz we want to save other students life. We spoil our life by doing MBA, But we want to save others.
N tell me Do u really think MBA is necessary for good job?
I don't think so...
15 days ago by Nakshatra Vijay Attrish [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
Dear Joseph,
as i already told that MITSOT is not a great Institute.
but i have seen the students in this institute.They dont even like to come to college.
and one more thing my class was also part of MITSOT.I was in LM-2.I am not an engineer and there were only 3 engineers in my class. and it was not that much small class, how u r thinking of.
Students from this class got jobs not only in Lighting companies but also in other companies.
And i m not fighting against anybody.
Every body should express his feelings but with some correct data.
And i m not in favour of MITSOT at all.
But what about other students who got placed on behalf of their tallent.
Its a good start but dont use fake names or wrong names.
you all should have start this all when you were part of MITSOT.Did you all ever try to oppose the mis management in this institute?
who was that student who committed suicide?I really feel sorry for him.
14 days ago by Abhi Joshi [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
Dear All,

Nice to see discussion over here, how can alumina can speak about their own institution. Since so many days i have been observing few things typically abt placements, but i feel thats a facility that each institution provides hether its MISOT, Sybiosis or Balaji it is alwys upto us dear. If we work hard if we learn, understand thing no one stop u getting jobs dude.

We must put our efforts as well we should not only blame. This entire senario is a voice of tose who might have got frustated. But my friend someone has to start with sumthing. Being a 1st batch definately kuch galtiya hue hogi that doesnt mean ki institution hi galat hai. Agar Sunil sir milne bhi ate hai students ko to kya faraq padega?? dost wo to boss hai. day to day activites ke liye he may not be interested. His concern might be whether u guys are not geeting selected why?? he might be worried of the same thing?

Dear the question is how much the blameer is sincere?? just ask ur self... Dost i must say agar aise log mitsot me hai to sahi me bura hai. yaha pe wo students hai jo sirf dakar marna jante hai.. guys thats not done. Guys khunnas to honi chahiye lekin, wo nahi hogi to life me age nahi badh payenge hum log lekin use positively use karo. not in this sence.

Doent be ashamed that u father ask u, " dear i am runig business with out MBA", MBA teachs u many aspects of business in very short span. just be proud u can reply dad i learned the same thing what u did in 2 year. Guys doent feel dishearted nothing personal dost but this shows ur attitude towards those who put their efforts to build ur carrier. MITSOT is not a placement agency.

Balaji Institute ka chairman Jail gaya CBI ne pakada fraud case me, wo case bhi AICTE approval ka hi hai "fraud approval". Useke bare me aap kya sochte ho. those days students had supported Mr. Bala in his bad patch. Instead of creaping why doent u do such practices jis ki wajaha se aap ke jr wo face na kare jo aap logo ne kiya. Why doent u support them i mean ur jrs? support interm of getting plaaced in terms how to prepare for placemts how to be become competent??

Guys we must do this.

I am sorry if i hurted anybodys feeling but we need to give a serious thought on this.
14 days ago by Miss [send email] Ip: - Edit CommentDelete comment
Mr Abhi. You have a true leadership qualities.I must appreciate you. They have taken admissions by their own, nobody forced them. Such negative people will be there always. I have many friends who are still jobless but they have learnt lot of when they came they didn't know even how to dress up ...anyways..

2012-05-31 10:15:03 by Karan Rajdan
Hey Nakshatra What the fuck u r saying,u dont know anythng abt the college and also abt urself.First see your face in the mirror bloody madarchood.MIT walo se gand marayi hai kya tune.

rply me agar dum hai toh
2015-05-27 09:38:27 by poorvi
guys plss help me out wht is right nd wht is wrong i m nt getting...?? should i take admssn or nt ?tel me d present sutuation
2015-12-11 05:59:42 by PurlsOf
What a plruasee to meet someone who thinks so clearly
2015-12-11 14:27:03 by Justin
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2015-12-15 09:41:22 by Shama
That's a <a href="">wel--thoughtlout</a> answer to a challenging question
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