Cash4Gold - Former employee exposing the scams of Cash4Gold Complaints

Cash4Gold - Former employee exposing the scams of Cash4Gold - Cash4Gold - Former employee exposing the scams of Cash4Gold

2010-01-15 01:42:32 by Former Cash4Gold
I would like an article to be posted pertaining to the refinery Cash 4 Gold, located in Pompano Beach, Fl. I am a former employee, who would like to alert/warn the public on the scamming process involved with this company. There are many of us who would like to vouch on behalf of this fast growing scam. We would like to get the word out to everyone on this step by step scam which involves so many people in this country and their valuables.

Below I have attached the full details on the scam involving this company. We know this first hand, because this is how we were trained. Please take note of this information and do what you can to get the word out there, especially in a time when the economy has truly affected everyone for the worst. Thank you!

I am a former employee of Cash 4 Gold. I did not know much about the company before being hired. On my first day of being hired, I was taught the "Cash 4 Gold Scam" from beginning to end.

1. The "refiner's pack" that is used for you to put your jewelry is "insured for UP TO 100 dollars, " according to how much they determine from a description from you, the worth of your items to be, NOT an actual fully researched appraisal.
16 Responses
2010-02-23 15:07:44 by Bronx Boy
My Wife got scammed for cash for gold. She sent in her gold and after a few weeks a customer service rep called her and asked if she recieved her check yet, of course we did not get the check and the rep on the phone said that it would arrive in a few weeks. Well weeks went by and no check in the mail or phone call. As of Febuary 23, 2010 my wife spoke with supervisor and they explained to her that her order was lost. Well how can it be lost when we recieved a call from your company a few weeks back asking us if we got the check in the mail? Then they explained that we will have to fill out a form to try and recover the amount. In the form it states to put the exact amount of gold that we sent. Right from there I knew we were scammed, and this was a lost cause. Another one bites the dust! Thanks for the post and for who ever reads this please research unlike we did before sending in your valuables!
2010-03-10 22:42:13 by JR
They took my gold, and when I requested it back only sent me 1/2 of what I sent them
2010-04-03 11:11:59 by hi,0,0,0,126571,1095402503,4,1,0,0,1
2012-05-22 21:03:36 by Nicholas
Dear Alanwe doing our est to stop hip or anyone that trnyig to scam other people but sometimes its hard to do it because thy hiding behind so many Shields we also have some work that we doing off line im sorry that i can't really share it with you but trust us that we doing everything we can to stop him.
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