BPS Study Materials - BPS Study Materials |
2021-02-04 10:44:16 by Nellur heyed
ASHP’s recertification course provides a lot of information - and by a lot I mean endless pages of PDFs on each disease state and topic covered on the exam. I’m not going to lie - it’s overwhelming because it’s intended for those that already have a baseline knowledge. It’s actually overwhelming for me and I have a baseline knowledge. This can be used for recertification credit for those maintaining their BCOP or ACPE credit if you’re studying for the first exam. HOPA has a new Core Competency program that covers basics but does not go into detail on specific diseases. For that information, you can purchase a variety of BPS Study Materials BCOP materials. HOPA also has other educational activities on their site you can review as individual topics. High Yield Med Reviews offers a BCOP study package that has a question bank. They also have some lectures and an eBook, although these are focused more on statistics. I have purchased this myself and was underwhelmed with the content and the platform. All of Exam Dumps Website these methods rely on you, the individual, to learn on your own with little to no guidance from anyone who can answer questions. This is particularly challenging in oncology so I’ve developed a personalized program that combines curated content, access to experts, and study questions to support you on your oncology journey - get on the interest list for when it launches next! Should you recertify by CE or exam? Once you pass the initial exam, you’ll need to maintain your certification. Years ago when I was fresh out of residency and newly minted as a BCOP, I received advice from a boss to recertify by exam. I was still learning the process and he was an experienced clinician .
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