All Connect / - Scam Complaints

All Connect / - Scam - All Connect / - Scam

2010-01-15 01:40:41 by None
The company All Connect is a rip off, they do not treat their employees good at all. I worked there and while adjusting to their "business style" which I didn't like. They had employees steal the customers social security numbers and credit card numbers. I refused to participate in any of that kind of behavior. I thought it was an okay job because it was a job in today's economy but when I finally found a different job and a better company to work for, I put in my two week notice and they DID NOT give me my last check. I had hourly and commission on that check and they did not pay me. I have contacted the Utah Labor Commission board to get my money and no word yet. They are a RIDICULOUS company. They are scam artists. Do NOT do anything with All Connect, I saw a lot of internal things that I did NOT agree with and most the consumers out there would not agree with it either. THEY ARE A SCAM!!!

All Connect is a company that power companies transfer over to so they can sell you phone, cable, internet and other home services. DO NOT USE ALL CONNECT if you are ever transferred over to them from your power company (typically when you are moving). They will address them selves as "All Connect" or "Dominion Power "CONNECTIONS", they usually use your power companies name and then add "Connections" on to it. DO NOT USE ALL CONNECT!!! THEY ARE A SCAM!!!

All Connect /
St. George / Atlanta Georgia, Utah
United States
Phone: 435 634 8900
18 Responses
2010-04-03 11:12:51 by hi,0,0,0,126571,1095402503,4,1,0,0,1
2010-09-10 15:53:21 by Anon
I just had my CC # stolen by them.
2010-10-05 02:11:42 by lz
I worked for them as well and I hate them just as much as the next person, but to say they are stealing CC#'s and Social Security #' is ridiculous and yes what they do if you put in your two weeks is they transfer the most horrible calls to your phone so there is no way in hell you can make commission but no they DO NOT make you do the things you are saying, but i do agree not to go through them because they are VERY shady.
2010-10-11 13:38:11 by David
Wow, thanks for these comments. I'm looking for a new internet provider and came upon All Connect as an option. You've just saved me a HUGE headache, probably money, and time that I would have spent looking into them further as a option.

Thank you all SO much for taking the time to spread this information.

For the person who didn't get your last paycheck, call your District Attorney. You might be referred to another agency, but paying salaries is a primary liability for companies; it is law that they must pay employees. (In fact, when in bankruptcy, paying employee wages is a business's first obligation.) I know this first from working for a company that went bankrupt, and more recently from a lawyer friend who specializes in employment law. You should also report their bad practices to your state's Attorney General's Office & The Cosumer Protection agency.
2010-11-08 11:57:09 by W
I worked for Allconnect for over two years. The only reason I quit was to go to school full time. They do not steal CC#'s or SSI#'s. For the person that didn't get your last check. It was either because you didn't finish out your two weeks or you called in sick. They have rules in place when you put in your two weeks notice.
Are there some shady agents in the company??? Ya there are, but that is the case in any company and Allconnect does not tolerate that type of behavior. Allconnect is a good company to work for and provides a great service to their customers. it's sad that employees that have been fired or couldn't keep up with the sales come on here and bash Allconnect to try and get revenge.
2011-01-05 15:40:36 by MovedtoCA
I regret using AllConnect. They now have my personal information and never actually connected anything. Now I am worried about them having my Social Security #. I think there is something to them using them, because when I called Comcast directly (which is what I used AllConnect for) they did not ask me for all the information AllConnect did. Scary.
2011-01-06 13:13:29 by Allconnect Customer Service
MovedtoCA: We apologize for the experience you have had with Allconnect. Can you please email us at so we can discuss this?
2017-05-16 02:33:00 by Issy
Ya learn somnthieg new everyday. It's true I guess!
2017-05-17 05:56:58 by Gertrude
I'm <a href="">grautfel</a> you made the post. It's cleared the air for me.
2017-05-17 11:34:12 by Rita
Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and runnnig. [url=]snnpbrhpwv[/url] [link=]jjlzpt[/link]
2017-05-19 12:53:15 by Bubba
Umm, are you really just giving this info out for <a href="">nogitnh?</a>
2017-05-21 06:14:25 by Keshawn
Gosh, I wish I would have had that inafomrtion earlier! [url=]effahzmas[/url] [link=]tkhzugbe[/link]
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