Shields Law Firm, P.C. Complaints

Shields Law Firm, P.C. - Abuse, Defamation and Retaliation

2011-04-29 13:32:39 by Joann Shields
I am an attorney who posted some statements correcting false information about my client on The anonymous posters who published the false information retaliated by posting
defamatory information about me on I am not a company engaging in consumer fraud; I am not a telemarketer; I have harmed no consumers and, in fact, practice consumer protection law. I wish to remove my posting including my contact information from as well as the following abusive posts, which constitute defamation per se.

Dear Outraged:

I would love to talk to you about Julia Forte. She owns a site on which she refuses to take down my client's name, address, SSN and incitements to physical violence against him. I would appreciate having her contact information. Thank you.

Joann Shields, Esq.
13636 Vestry Road, Suite 1000
Draper, Utah 84020
Tel. 801.816.9592
Fax 801.816.9593

2011-02-23 20:32:53 by abab
How's the law business doing at 13636 Vestry ?

2011-04-14 00:01:39 by Foreclosure on Attorney Joann Shields
This attorney Joann Shields has been jailed twice in the last two years and her house has been in foreclosure. Many warrants out for her arrest too. Whose the scam artist?

2011-04-25 22:31:37 by Holly Roloff
that is the funniest thing ii have read . Joann Shield owes me thousands but court is soon sandy city every one invited. And she is supposes to be a Mormon ha ha wait till they hear

any one with info on her e-mail please

Please contact me at 801.816.9592.

Thank you,

Joann Shields

7367 Responses
2011-05-03 16:52:06 by New Information on Shields
Joann Shields has posted saying she has harmed no consumer and practices consumer protection. Please see her client's claims against her taking his money as an attorney and disappearing in Third District Court case 084900471. Deann Croft Edwards v. Terrell Edwards. Defamation is only if something is not true. Her client Terrell Edwards filed in court that she took his money and disappeared making him lose his case. Clients are consumers. Complaints against her as a lawyer are valid posted here.
2011-05-03 20:15:08 by Utah Citizen
Attorney Joann Shields was also arrested and booked into Utah County jail February 16, 2010 for fighting with a police officer. She plead guilty in CASE NUMBER 105101058 Traffic Court Case in Draper Utah. Consumer protection should include disclosure of attorneys own problems when they advertise for clients.
2011-05-06 00:13:27 by Utah Citizen
Here's the latest legal problems for attorney Joann Shields, legal malpractice, in Utah: A sheriffs sale for claims against her.

2011-05-06 01:36:46 by Utah Citizen
Correction: Now attorney Joann Shields is part of a sheriffs sale for malpractice she caused for a judgment entered against her client Aspen Inc for her not answering court orders.
This attorney Joann Shields claims to practice consumer protection law but her clients are consumers in need of protection.
2011-05-07 00:42:51 by Unhappy clients
Attorney Joann Shields calls herself Esq, just like calling herself, "my highness." Only conceited people give themselves titles that are normally only given out of respect by someone else.

Form an internet page explaining the meaning of Esq: It means the person is an attorney.
Black's Law Dictionary (Sixth Edition) has the following under the definition of "Esquire"

"In English law, a title of dignity next above gentleman, and below knight. Also a title of office given to sheriffs, serjeants [sic], and barristers at law, justices of the peace, and others.

In United States, title commonly appended after name of attorney: e.g., John J. Jones, Esq."

But it is considered bad form for someone to use it themselves; in other words for someone to sign themselves "John Doe, Esq." . It is a title that should be conferred, not assumed; in other words, when I write to another lawyer I address the letter and envelope as:

John Doe, Esq. Doe, Roe and Woe, PA 123 Main St. Litigation, FL 32313

But I sign myself as: John Jones NOT John John Jones, Esq.

It is a courtesy title, plain and simple. Sort of like addressing Bill Clinton as Mr. President, or President Clinton, or Speaker Gingrich, or whatever. They don't sign themselves as President Clinton or Speaker Newt Gingrich. Likewise, an attorney should not sign themselves as an Esq.
Unless you're conceited and are giving yourself praise.

Joann Shields not only fails to return money to clients she harms she goes around praising herself here and other places. Consumers beware.
2011-05-16 19:41:57 by Outraged
If you are so outraged about the postings on this site, wither they be true or not WHY don't you do something about taking this site DOWN off the INTERNET if you are an attorney you should have all the resources you need?
2011-05-24 02:00:38 by NOT A KID ANYMORE
I know you Joanne Shields when i was a kid in your church. I'm grown up. somebody showed me a book you wrote trust mentors. you said that all the kids you new in the ward hanging out with you as our teacher were SEXUALLY ABUSED. thats a lie!!!. you told the hole world lies about us. how emberrasing all those years people in church thinking what you said was true. its a lie! you made it up in your head. everybody new you said that about us exept us because we were kids. you never asked us if you could say that about kids in a book. you never asked us if that was true. you lied about kids and told the hole world emberrasing stuff you made up. did you pray if you could say that about kids> conceited bitch.
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