Red Bow Photo Complaints

Red Bow Photo - None Payment

2009-10-15 09:04:45 by pluggin
Red Bow Photo hire's general contract photographers for Professional Sports Events and more. Last pay recieved was April 9th for April 1st payday. Since they have not payed for 3 complete pay periods or 6 weeks of pay. according to their website Red Bow Photo is contracted by the folowing professional sports teams for event photography.

Anaheim Ducks

Anaheim Angels

Boston Bruins

Carolina Panthers

New Jersey Nets

Orlando Magic

Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia Flyers

Seattle Mariners

Washington Capitals

Washington Wizards

Currently the Anaheim photographers are known not to be compensated as agreed upon by Red Bow Photo, Inc.
46 Responses
2009-10-15 09:15:18 by Wage Protector
I think what Red Bow is trying to do here is create a paper trail that it hopes will support a defense that we're indpendent contractors and not "employees" for purposes of taxes and violation of wage laws. I recommend that when you send in your emails or other correspondence and communications to Red Bow that you be sure to include a statement that indicates your request for payment and your acceptance of any payment may not be construed as a waiver or release of any claims you may have to recover civil damages and attorney's for Red Bow's violation of any state or federal wage and labor laws or regulations.
2009-10-15 09:15:53 by Jason J. Row
It turns out that Red Bow (ShortQue) has been advertising on it's site association with organizations that has never heard of them. In my opinion, NOTHING they do is legit. Bowser is a sociopath in my opinion and I also believe him to be criminal in intent and action. His history has shown nothing but lies, deciet and a wake of financial ruin. He is one of the people who helped bankrupt this country for God's sake! is his latest scam. ShortQue is a Red Bow Company...

"Mr. XXX,

I will find out for you and get back in touch. This Red Bow organization is as unethical as they come. You're school was listed here:, however...since this has been exposed, they have taken the link down as you can see. However...I did save it in PDF format attached here.

You are not the only person or organization who I had this response from. Rest assured we are letting all listed schools know about this fraud and misuse of their name and or their involvement with a company involved in alleged criminal activity.

I am cc: this to my lawyer and his assistant. Please feel free to reach out to either of us to discuss this. We are in process of gathering evidence for a class action suit against this company built of criminals and fraud. We would welcome adding you to our list or you might want to seek criminal misconduct charges against them yourself.

I can be reached at the L.A. number listed below until mid-September and then the FL number after that or anytime on my cell.

In the spirit of full disclosure I am also cc:ing Bowser and his attorney. When the truth is on your side one has nothing to hide :-)

Jason J. Row
President & CEO
PXL8IT Direct Marketing Services

On Aug 14, 2009, at 9:01 AM, XXX XXX wrote:

Thanks for your email. I have looked into this, and I do not know why our school name is associated with this company. I have questioned anyone on campus who would have used a photography service, and no one has ever heard of them. We use a service that is right here in town. If you happen to know who here used them, please let me know.

Head of School
Annunciation XXX School

From: Jason Row []
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:56 PM
Cc: Reginald Bowser; Dain Dulaney; James Swedberg; Kevin H. Chen
Subject: [ATTN: SPAM?] RED BOW (ShortQue Photo) alleged CRIMINAL activity WARNING to Annunciation Orthodox School
Importance: Low

Dear Principal XXX, Coach XXX, Mr. XXX & Staff at Annunciation XXX School,

In our investigation of Red Bow (owner of ShortQue Photo) for alleged criminal activities in the state of FL we uncovered that you do business with them.

We thought you should know the dealings of Red Bow and of Reginald Bowser. Please review the emails below and follow the links to the complaints against him and his company as well as Mr. Chen.

It also turns out there is a Facebook site dedicated to them and their alleged criminal activities:

Make your own decision to continue any relationship with Bowser and Red Bow.

If I were you I would be ashamed to be associated with them and have your name on their web site.

In business, reputation is everything!

In the spirit of full disclosure we are cc:ing Bowser and his attorney.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Jason J. Row"
2009-10-15 09:16:18 by PhotoRich9
Please take note of "Wage Protectors" suggestion:

I recommend that when you send in your emails or other correspondence and communications to Red Bow that you be sure to include a statement that indicates your request for payment and your acceptance of any payment may not be construed as a waiver or release of any claims you may have to recover civil damages and attorney's for Red Bow's violation of any state or federal wage and labor laws or regulations.
2009-10-15 09:17:07 by So Sad...
It's sad you can't trust people anymore. I hope you all get paid although sadly I can say I have heard of several people in the Charlotte area (photographers as well as employees) who have not gotten paid for months and months of work. How can some people sleep at night?
2009-10-15 09:17:27 by Wage Protector
Hi: Silly question, but has anyone ACTUALLY BEEN PAID yet?
2009-10-15 09:17:47 by pluggin
Supposedly this last and this week checks should start being issued. We'll see...
2009-10-15 09:18:14 by PhotoRich9
Bowser and his lawyer are playing games. They are essentially asking photographers to release them from any claims for mandatory multiple damages and attorneys fees in exchange for a promise to pay you.

That being said, you should send in your reply if you agree with their figure. I recommend adding language that indicates your request for payment and your acceptance of any payment may not be construed as a waiver or release of any claims you may have to recover civil damages and attorney's fees for Red Bow's violation of any state or federal wage and labor laws or regulations.

But, you should be aware that they might hold off payment because your reply doesn't comport exactly with their template response. That being said, it is unlawful to require someone to sign a release in order to get their lawful wages. This is not a "settlement agreement." This is about what you were owed in the first place.

The real question is, has anyone been paid anything yet under this email exchange scheme? I don't think so. They are probably buying time, stalling, while they prepare a bankruptcy filing.
2009-10-15 09:18:39 by bosphotog
I do not agree with the recent email payment response email from REDBOW. It is good that they are at least now communicating but I think every photographer that has not been paid and for many months should get more than what they are proposing for late fee - damages - etc.

Has anyone signed this and sent it back to them - and importantly - recieved a check and cashed it?
2009-10-15 09:24:35 by Wage Protector
Has anyone received a check and if so, has the check cleared?
2009-10-15 09:25:03 by pluggin
I haven't received anything from Red Bow or Reginald Bowser since the confirmation amount which I sent a week ago Monday. According to the letter they should have mailed it by Monday this week, nothing yet... I just don't trust these guys at all and think that they are blowing smoke up our u-know-what.
2009-10-15 09:25:31 by pluggin
Alright everyone keep the heat up!!! I just responded to the editor of this article:

Make sure that you request an investigation of Reginald Bowser, Red Bow and their practices and send them a link back to this board where we all are waiting for our money. I can't believe that I missed this one... The Barack Obama Inauguration!!! Wow I wonder if those photographers got paid for their services? And they're still selling our pictures online too! And asking for photographers to sign up, This guy is a total whack job!
2009-10-15 09:25:55 by Wage Protector
Everyone might as well accept the fact that you are not going to receive a dime from Red Bow. It is a criminal enterprise. Currently, Red Bow is in default in Massachusetts for failing to respond to a class aciton complaint filed in May. A default judgment will soon be executed against Red Bow's NC assets, if any. I understand the NC state's attorney is currently preparing a criminal complaint against Bowser as well.
2009-10-15 09:26:22 by BonedByRedBlowPhoto
Just more lies from Reginald Bowser, Kevin Chen and Trina Bowser...LIES, LIES, LIES and more LIES!
2009-10-15 09:26:44 by PhotoRich9
Please let us know. Has anyone been paid. Has the check cleared?
2009-10-15 09:27:26 by dupedbyredbow
I worked for Redbow for the Ducks and the angels. I worked for almost 1 month without pay, only promises. I called off because I had a car problem, and I was met by the manager at a bar and paid in cash for some of the games, but pressured into signing a document saying I was being paid in full. I was about to loose my apartment because I hadn't been paid, and I took the cash, and was told my services were no longer required. (I was going to quit anyway, who wants to work for free). This company is a total rip off.
2009-10-15 09:27:51 by pluggin
I talked with Reginald yesterday and he promised that I would be paid, we'll see. BTW- He called me asking to remove this post. I simply asked for payment, again.
2009-10-15 09:28:31 by Elijah Heake
how do I get involved with this law suit I was not paid either and I need my money
my name is Elijah Heake and I am not alone in philly all of my friends didn't get paid.
Erick Cohen Hannah Greenstein and many others
2009-10-15 09:28:55 by pluggin
Hello Elijah, Have all of your photogs email Leanne all of their information to

Amount Owed

Along with their story.
2009-10-27 05:34:59 by Jason J. Row
I got this from Reginald "Reggie" Bowser last week. It seems I have to sue him to get the $1400 he owes me...

Please continue to send me these messages and post slanderous statements
online. Every one you send will add another month to your sentence. We're
up to 81 messages at this point.

For the record, once again, we will not pay you a dime because we don't owe
you anything. I've implored you to sue me. Of course, you haven't done
that because you know we don't owe you anything.

You have no idea how hard it is to exercise the discipline necessary to deal
with someone like you and remain focused on my business and family. I'm
doing it though, because of the strength you've given me. I refuse to fail
because of YOU, Jason Row. Thank you so much. I swear I mean every word of

I will see you in court. And, I'll come visit you in jail, too. Can't wait
to see you in an orange jumpsuit.

Jamie, Jeff, Officer Graham and Dain, I'm sorry. I couldn't refrain from
sending this. I had a weak moment, but it will be the last one I send to
him regardless of what he says or does.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Row []
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 6:30 PM
To: Reginald Bowser
Subject: Thief

Hey... In case you forgot... You are a coward... pay me my money...

Sent from my iPhone

Jason J. Row
2009-10-27 05:38:46 by Jason J. Row
I got this from Reginald "Reggie" Bowser last week. It seems I have to sue him to get the $1400 he owes me...

Please continue to send me these messages and post slanderous statements
online. Every one you send will add another month to your sentence. We're
up to 81 messages at this point.

For the record, once again, we will not pay you a dime because we don't owe
you anything. I've implored you to sue me. Of course, you haven't done
that because you know we don't owe you anything.

You have no idea how hard it is to exercise the discipline necessary to deal
with someone like you and remain focused on my business and family. I'm
doing it though, because of the strength you've given me. I refuse to fail
because of YOU, Jason Row. Thank you so much. I swear I mean every word of

I will see you in court. And, I'll come visit you in jail, too. Can't wait
to see you in an orange jumpsuit.

Jamie, Jeff, Officer Graham and Dain, I'm sorry. I couldn't refrain from
sending this. I had a weak moment, but it will be the last one I send to
him regardless of what he says or does.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Row []
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 6:30 PM
To: Reginald Bowser
Subject: Thief

Hey... In case you forgot... You are a coward... pay me my money...

Sent from my iPhone

Jason J. Row


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