Red Bow Photo Complaints

Red Bow Photo - None Payment

2009-10-15 09:04:45 by pluggin
Red Bow Photo hire's general contract photographers for Professional Sports Events and more. Last pay recieved was April 9th for April 1st payday. Since they have not payed for 3 complete pay periods or 6 weeks of pay. according to their website Red Bow Photo is contracted by the folowing professional sports teams for event photography.

Anaheim Ducks

Anaheim Angels

Boston Bruins

Carolina Panthers

New Jersey Nets

Orlando Magic

Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia Flyers

Seattle Mariners

Washington Capitals

Washington Wizards

Currently the Anaheim photographers are known not to be compensated as agreed upon by Red Bow Photo, Inc.
46 Responses
2009-10-15 09:05:26 by Pandemoz
Red Bow Photo is located out of Charlotte, NC. They expanded from professional sports to photographing youth athletics in the greater Charlotte area. There were about 5 to 6 photographers. Compensation was based on number of teams shot. I photographed teams between April 18 and May 30. I have not been paid for any work, nor have the other photographers. I have called and emailed the owner Reginald Bowser and wife Trina numerous times over the past 5 weeks trying to figure out when I'll be paid. They have promised immediate pay several times, however I have yet to receive a paycheck. The Bowsers are no longer returning my phone calls.
2009-10-15 09:05:51 by fanfotosbetter
You guys are way behind the news.

Reggie and Trina owe many others way more.

I was the Director of Operations for Red Bow from November until April.

He only paid me til January.

Currently owes me over $12, 500.

Get a lawyer.
2009-10-15 09:06:19 by pluggin
I take it your Lawyer couldn't help you? Something needs to be done with these guys they seem to thing that they're above the law.
2009-10-15 09:06:46 by Wage Protector
Boston photographers have also not been paid since March. They have filed a class acfion law suit seeking multiple damages and attorneys fees
2009-10-15 09:07:16 by jh92804
I too am one of the Anaheim Photographers. I have worked from April 24 through May 30th. We were told that we would get paid the 15th and the 30th of every month. I never received one paycheck. I have made numerous attempts to get in touch with the President of the company, but never received any phone call or email back. Because of this whole situation, I lost my housing and no longer can pay my bills.
2009-10-15 09:07:44 by pluggin
Did all of you receive the letter from Reginald today??? If not I'll send it to you.
2009-10-15 09:08:15 by NMPhoto
My roommate and I were hired by Redbow to photograph during the inauguration in the bitter cold. We were promised payment within 14 days, then later by mid February. That was the last communication we received from the company and still no payment. How do we get in on the lawsuit? I was seeking my own personal lawyer already.
2009-10-15 09:08:51 by Rbisfraud
I worked in NJ for Redbow. As of today we have not gotten paid for photos from January on. Reggie no longer takes calls, told us we would have a money plus interest by May 15th... So if there is a class action going, send out the lawyer's info.
2009-10-15 09:09:29 by Rbisfraud
Hey guys, go to the Better Business Bureau website and file a complaint. At least then when people research the company they will know that others got scammed. Also, they will send out a letter to Redbow and they only have 14 days to respond. Also on the website is the new address and phone numbers for Redbow if you need them.
PS- When you put in your complaint make sure you do not check yes for the question "is this regarding employment practices." The answer is no because you are actually on a contract.
2009-10-15 09:10:02 by PhotoRich9
Lies and more lies. We will be lucky if we ever see our money.

I am the Photographer who filed the class action suit with the state of Massachusetts. RedBow has defaulted on the suit and now my lawyer will file for a default judgement. This, I believe, will make the judgement a "criminal complaint". Tell everyone you know. These people are crooks! I hope they go to jail and loose their personal assets as well.

I hope someone from the Charlotte business Journal will do a follow up story.
2009-10-15 09:10:30 by iloveredbow
To: All Red Bow Photographers
From: Reginald Bowser, CEO
Subject: Payment Instructions
Date: July 29, 2009

Dear Red Bow Photographer:
You are receiving this letter as a follow-up to the letter sent to you via email on July 1, 2009
regarding payment for services rendered. Red Bow Photo will now begin processing payments
to photographers as mentioned in the prior letter. In order to receive your payment, please follow
the directions provided below. It is important that you follow the directions carefully, as failure to
do so could result in further delay of your payment.
Directions to Insure Receipt of Payment
Step 1: Upon receipt of this letter, please send an email with the Subject: PHOTOGRAPHER
PAYMENT INFORMATION to containing the following information:
Address to send payment: Street/City/Zip Code
Venue Worked
Contact Phone Number
Step 2: Upon receipt of your email, Red Bow Photo will respond to your message within seven
business days to communicate the amount we will be paying you for services rendered. The
information will include the amount due for services, and the late payment fee of 15% promised to
you in the last communication.
Step 3: If you agree with the amount communicated in the email response from us, respond to
the message indicating so. Your check will then be sent out within seven business days following
the receipt of that email.
Again, please be sure to respond with the proper information as quickly as possible in order to
receive payment. Lastly, all payments will be processed and sent via US Mail. No checks will be
distributed from our office in Charlotte, NC.
Thanks, again, for your continued patience.

Best regards-
Reginald Bowser
President and CEO
Red Bow Photo, Inc.
2009-10-15 09:10:52 by MaddAsHeck
Don't believe Reginald until he sends a check and the bank actually cashes it. I knew from day one this was a gyp but I actually believe in people's trust.
2009-10-15 09:11:18 by Wage Protector
Has anyone received an email from Red Bow with payment instructions? See Bowser's July 29 comment
2009-10-15 09:11:48 by pluggin
A few more days left for a response. I submitted my info monday so according to the letter I should hear back from them by next monday.
2009-10-15 09:12:24 by Wage Protector
Hi, it is now Wednesday August 12, 2009. Has anyone who emailed Red Bow as suggested by Reggie Bowser in his July email received a reply yet?
2009-10-15 09:12:53 by pluggin
I haven't received anything yet. SarahB248, what did you receive and when? I think most are still waiting after relying. I submitted my info last week Monday and nothing yet. Also what City are you in? I was wondering if he just doesn't want anyone to come to his home.
2009-10-15 09:13:25 by pluggin
Has anyone else received confirmation? and what city are you in? Everyone please keep everyone else posted. What-When-Where-City...
2009-10-15 09:13:50 by pluggin
Hello Jason, I called the Red Bow office today and now cannot even get a voicemail prompt... Just Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!! Anyways hopefully they are reviewing this board since they deem this board fit to address those that are willing to speak out about their universal practices in an online forum, including their attorney. Everything you have stated is understood and bears witness to us involved we greatly appreciate your efforts in resolving this unjust matter. Unfortunately those that are not connected or have not found this small group will undoubtedly not be compensated for their services to Red Bow Photo because by experience I will understand that they have any and all intension of no compensation unless one is willing to shout out to everyone they can, again I and certain more are thankful for your efforts to bring a resolve to our (all uncompensated photographhers and Red Bow emloyees) end.

I am certain that many will be willing including myself to stand before a judge and state the unethical and illegal practices of Reginald Bowser and Red Bow Photo.

You may consider contacting an attorney as prescribed above by Red Bow's attorney and consult with them to counter sue for harassment with bias. I am not an attorney but live in America and am willing to confront those that have unjustly taken advantage of free and worthy Americans and someone or entity that thinks that they are above the values given by our constitutional rights.

Bert Cortez
2009-10-15 09:14:15 by pluggin
Wow, I got a confirmation with amount due to me 30 minutes after posting last. I confirmed, payment was promised within 7 business days, but then I was promised an email within 7 days of replying, it's been 8 business days. We'll see about payment within 7.

2009-10-15 09:14:45 by iloveredbow

To All Viewing this Post:
If you are a photographer that worked for Red Bow Photo in the past, but were not paid in full for services rendered, please read the letter below and follow the instructions. Yopu will be paid in full once your communication is received according the timeline mentioned in the note.

Thanks very much,
Red Bow Photo

To: All Red Bow Photographers
From: Red Bow Photo
Subject: Payment Instructions
Date: July 29, 2009

Dear Red Bow Photographer:

You are receiving this letter as a follow-up to the letter sent to you via email on July 1, 2009 regarding payment for services rendered. Red Bow Photo will now begin processing payments to photographers as mentioned in the prior letter. In order to receive your payment, please follow the directions provided below. It is important that you follow the directions carefully, as failure to do so could result in further delay of your payment.

Directions to Insure Receipt of Payment

Step 1: Upon receipt of this letter, please send an email with the Subject: PHOTOGRAPHER PAYMENT INFORMATION to containing the following information:

Address to send payment: Street/City/Zip Code
Venue Worked
Contact Phone Number

Step 2: Upon receipt of your email, Red Bow Photo will respond to your message within seven business days to communicate the amount we will be paying you for services rendered. The information will include the amount due for services, and the late payment fee of 15% promised to you in the last communication.

Step 3: If you agree with the amount communicated in the email response from us, respond to the message indicating so. Your check will then be sent out within seven business days following the receipt of that email.
Again, please be sure to respond with the proper information as quickly as possible in order to receive payment. Lastly, all payments will be processed and sent via US Mail. No checks will be distributed from our office in Charlotte, NC.

Thanks, again, for your continued patience.

Best regards-
Red Bow Photo


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