WWICS - Immigration consultant Complaints

WWICS - Immigration consultant - Cheating and Negligence

2009-10-05 09:33:14 by Rajeev Sharma
Dear Sir,


I am forwarding the details of latest communication with WWICS. After a long wait of 5 years we people are suffering due to the poor services rendered by WWICS. No one in WWICS is concerned for active service delivery. Even many a times we have contacted their owner, but no one cares. We are very sorry to say that at this point of time we are repenting for our decision taken to hire WWICS for Canada Immigration. Still we have not got a proper reply from WWICS and waiting for a suitable answer. We are mail you the details of our Grievances to you. May be we get our hard earned money back, if possible please help us in resolving our case.


Rajeev Sharma

Subject: RE: Regarding WWICS # 22558, CHC File # B045988272
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 23:42:22 +0530

Dear All,

Please update us the status of our case file no 22558. You are requested to process the things on priority basis. All of us are losing confidence in you.


Rajeev Sharma


Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 15:32:01 +0530
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Regarding WWICS # 22558, CHC File # B045988272

Dear Mr Rajeev,

With reference to your application for grant of permanent residency in Federal Canada, we regret to inform that the Honorable Canadian High Commission has rejected your application for non submission of documents. The rejection letter issued by the Honorable Canadian High Commission is enclosed herewith. It is to inform you that we have taken up the case with Canadian High Commission for reconsideration of this decision as our office never received any intimation/requirement letter for submission of the update documents. We will keep you informed about the progress as and when it occurs. We request you cooperate with us till the final decision is received from the High Commission. For any further clarifications, you are requested to get in touch with our Department at 0172-5097773-76 and our Branch Office.
Legal Dept

----- Original Message -----
From: Rajeev Sharma
Cc: ; ; ; ;
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:42 AM
Subject: Regarding WWICS # 22558, CHC File # B045988272

Dear Col. Machhral and Others,

Good Morning! I am writing this mail in deep disappointment that WWICS is not at all fulfilling its obligations. For the last 3 years there is no correspondence related to my case CHC B045988272 (WWICS file No. 22558) happening from your side. For the last one year I was asking for the status of my case, as all those who had applied directly were getting call from CHC, but from your end no update is available all the time. When ever we make a call the same reply comes ie, we are waiting for CHC correspondence. I am unable to make out what benefit we are getting after filing our case through you. Only thing you have done till date is submitting our file at CHC, is there any justification charging approx. Rs. 90, 000 and rendering no services at all. On 2nd Feb. we checked e-cas on cic website, and we came to know that a decision has been taken. But when we called WWICS chandigarh office on 3rd Feb, we were shocked that our case has got refused and when we asked for reasons, nobody in the chandigarh office knows the reason- Atleast I must be told the reasons. On 22nd Dec. we visited WWICS Delhi office there Ms. Jasbir told us that we must file updated documents once again. Now the point is, if our case was refused in December first week than why you hide this crucial information? we visited CHC on 3rd Feb there they told us that CHC has sent a letter of rejection in the first week of December stating the reasons and also an E-mail in the last week of January to Chandigarh office.
Kindly, forward the Letter and E-mail received from CHC to us so that necessary action can be taken. Also let us know at the earliest what action you have taken at your end in relation to our case.


Rajeev Sharma
WWICS file # 22558
Flat # 420, Gaurs Residency, Chandra Nagar, Ghaziabad-201011
Mobile :- 9313264716
Landline:- 0120-4564198, 011-65158536
78 Responses
2017-09-13 07:49:53 by KuraCora
Adelаidа, 31, hоusеwifе: "I dіd a shallow рeеlіng for сleаning. Thе result wаs vеry gоod, I lіkеd еvеrything vеry muсh. Gonе аrе fіnе wrіnkles, the skin has bесоmе mоrе еvеn. "
Nаomі, 37 yеаrs оld, dirеctоr: "I dіd my fаce cleаnіng іn the sаlоn - my соmрlеxіоn сhаngеd aftеr dеlivеry. Thе rеsult plеased, but the соst of сlеаnіng was quite high, oftеn this will not аllоw. "
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2017-10-07 21:04:10 by ViboHeept
I noticed a lump under my armpit. Initially it was small. The pain was not felt. Now rub and increasing. My friends like do not. Recently heard that it can be serious disease. But most likely, just fatty lump. Found clear information about this lump. Now I'm not afraid of terrible diagnosis. Everything is clear and detail is written down to the smallest detail.
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2018-07-13 05:53:49 by KIRArece
To determine internal swelling is difficult enough, therefore, consequently, they influence the body for a long time, which threatens the normal fetus. Fluids are dangerous because they break blood circulation. Such picture leads to worsening feeding and the breath baby, formed hypoxia.
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2018-07-24 11:07:11 by MirkaCham
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2018-08-17 12:30:22 by Kuldili
Seal armpit brings discomfort, aches. To delay visit in the hospital is not appropriate. Seal under the muscle cavity may turn out to be cancer illness. However most often it is consequences regular use deodorants, non-compliance rules personal hygiene, intense sweating. Inflammation triggers narrow blouse, alien razor, the virus.
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Compaction under the arm, inflammation, lump becoming hot? This is the ulcer that should cut from the surgeon, next take medications. first stage treat lotions, anti-inflammatory medicines. When the process switched to second stage, need surgery.
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