SEARCH Complaints - Poor service/arrogance/scam

2009-08-16 04:45:57 by Xoli
Like many people out there, I am looking for a job and after several months of unsuccessfully job applications, I decided that few hundred dollars paid to a professional resume writer could pay bigger dividends and land me few interviews. I searched the internet and decided to go with which was by no mean amongst the cheapest options.

They have a great website and listed the Wall Street Journal as one of their partners, so I thought that it was a legitimate professional company and decided to buy a $149.90 package for: One-on-one consultation+ Resume writing + Cover letter. They promise you a 24-48 hours turnaround time, so I was expecting to get a call from the consultant to discuss my background and my career expectation, but I was shocked to receive a resume after a 2-day wait which had exactly the same wordings and text as my old resume that I had e-mailed them initially. The only difference was on the executive summary and the format. When I raised the issue, the gentlemen called Kevin (this person seems to be the only guy running this so called business-a scam- because he is the person that you will always get on the phone when you are so lucky to get through any of the numbers listed on their website) tells me that my job experience is always the same and cannot be changed from my former resume. My point is that my old 2 page resume does not capture the full depth and breath of my work experience and I paid for this service because I thought that a one-on-one interview with a consultant would enable him to understand my profile and how to market it better in a new resume:I did not pay $149.99 for something that I could easily have done myself.

Anyway they have taken my money and sent me nothing but my very same old resume and worst I still do not received the cover letter that was suppose to come with it.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from this scam… I wish somebody had warned me before I used them.
50920 Responses
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