Q'orianka Kilcher Arrested - Q'orianka Kilcher Arrested |
2011-08-10 05:16:20 by charlie horse
Actress Q'orianka Kilcher Arrested
Actress Q'orianka Kilcher Arrested at White House
WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. Park Police have identified a woman arrested for tying herself to a White House fence as actresse Q'orianka (kohr-ee-AHN'-kuh) Kilcher.
Authorities say the 20-year-old Kilcher tied herself to the fence Tuesday and her 41-year-old mother, Saskia, poured a black substance over her.
They told officials they were protesting a visit by the president of Peru. Q'orianka Kilcher's father is a Peruvian Indian.
Park Police spokesman Sgt. David Schlosser identified the mother, who's charged with defacing government property, and daughter, who's charged with disorderly conduct. Schlosser says they are expected to appear in D.C. Superior Court on Wednesday.
A call to Kilcher's publicist was not immediately returned. She played Pocahontas in the 2005 film, "The New World." |
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