Julia Forte Complaints

Julia Forte - Harrassment and Slander

2011-03-03 18:42:56 by Ken French
Julia Forte of in Holly Springs, North Carolina allowed false complaints about me to be posted on her website, refused to take them down, added more of her own, and then tried to blackmail me to have them removed.

I own my own construction company. I am not a telemarketer and have never made a cold call for my business. One day it was brought to my attention that someone had wrote slanderous material about myself and my company on the site

I visited this website, read the slanderous and hurtful false claims, then I saw that this website was regarding telemarketers and cold callers. I have never made a cold call so I located the email address of Julia Forte, the 800notes owner, and emailed her explaining that I have never made a cold call so this was clearly a false post and to please remove the post.

I also realized that Julia Forte does not check the credibility of any of the posts on her site and allows anything about anyone to be posted on there whether they are true or not. This post about me could have been made by a competitor, a disgruntled former employee, or even an old high school person I didn't get along with. I couldn't believe this site allowed just anything to be posted on there.

Julia Forte emailed me back something about how some amendment of the constitution protects her site and that she will not remove the post. I emailed her back with my direct cell phone number (my business number was the one used on the site) and asked her to please call me about the false claims and I wanted to explain that my business does not even make telemarketing calls.

Julia Forte called me alright. She told me that she'd be happy to remove the post - for a fee of $1000! I said "No thank you, Ms. Forte. That one post about me online doesn't bother me that much." Julia Forte angrily hung up the phone.

The next day I checked out the site to see if maybe Julia Forte came to her senses and removed the post. Not only did she not remove the post but suddenly THREE more posts that were much more slanderous about me were posted!! Since I told Julia the one post didn't bother me she clearly added more herself hoping that would make me pay her off to remove the posts. I refuse to give in to this woman's blackmail but it's too bad she is using the internet against innocent people to try to make her own profit. I sure hope that one day this woman's poor ethics are put to a stop.
23 Responses
2020-06-25 04:57:01 by SoltubiSkedy
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