Tower Hill Insurance Company - Royal Palm Insurance - Newman Insurance Agency, Inc. Complaints

Tower Hill Insurance Company - Royal Palm Insurance - Newman Insurance Agency, Inc. - Insurance Scams

2010-07-24 09:21:47 by Cherisse Carton
Insurance scam rears its ugly head!

As if the economic and real estate situation isn’t difficult enough! .

These homeowners insurance companies lure customers away from Citizens Insurance, evaluate the home and provide homeowners insurance.

Several weeks after they take the customer’s money they notify the homeowner that they have cancelled the policy because the home is a risk.

Several weeks later they again offer insurance trough their subsidiary company but double or triple the premium.

Then during hurricane season they again notify the customer they have cancelled the policy because the home is at risk.

There may also be cases of discrimination involved.

The following companies are involved and if you have been scammed report them:

Tower Hill Insurance Company
PO Box 147018
Gainseville, FL 32614

Royal Palm Insurance
PO Box 142350, Gainseville, FL 32614

Newman Insurance Agency, Inc.
5700 Stirling Road
Hollywood, FL 33021

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Устройство электродвигателя

Электродвигатель состоит из двух основных частей:

Статор электродвигателя – конструкция, состоящая из:
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стали высокой прочности

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