FLM Loans Complaints

FLM Loans - Threatening nature, and possible illegal actions by Staff

2010-05-02 08:41:04 by Fred926
Company information:
FLM Loans.
United Kingdom

Take a look at the way FLM have handled this poor, distressed young girl! Note particularly, the advice given to her by FLM Loans. This must be very close to the Law that says it is illegal to 'Demand money with menaces!' WHY are these companies allowed to get away with this? This was posted on the Internet by a young lady who was obviously terrified by this company.

Problems with a company called flm?
im having alot of hassle of a loan company called flm.
i became a guarentor for someone, i have since lost my job but flm ring me almost daily as the payments have fallen behind.they threaten me with summons and losing my house.i have gone to a debt consolidation agency as like i say, i lost my job and things were just to tight to survive on.
flm say the debt agency are lying to me, , that there is no way they should be dealing with this debt and no matter what the debt place say, i should still b paying flm direct.however...
the debt place r saying they deal with flm on a daily basis, that they r vultures and will say anything they can to try and get me to pay up!ive been in tears on the phone to flm, when theyve been telling me to sell my babies toys if i have to, they dont care how i get the money, , just to get it!
please help...any advice???
13950 Responses
2020-09-08 05:28:14 by Joshuasam
elements with Silly or Unusual Names

trust it or not, Some chemists do have a sense humour, And this page is a testament to that. Here we'll show you some real molecules might unusual, absurd or downright silly names. good of any other potential candidates for this page, Please move the post. People from around the globe have sent me so many contributions to this page, That I've now had to split it into four lesser pages.

The 3D structure files of many of these molecules can be found by clicking on the images. Information on just be certain that view these structure files can be found here.

Stop squash: Due to excellent of this site, I've now made it up as a book, suitable 'Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names', By henry May, penned by Imperial College Press, July 2008. It is available at all good bookstores, Price on?8. It will include all your favourite molecules from this website, Plus some extra details about them. Or you should buy it online from World Scientific orYes, accept is as true or not, There [url=]dating ukraine ladies[/url] is actually a molecule called. and it's a ring! It is the arsenic equal of pyrrole, And though it is rarely found in its pure form, It is occasionally seen as a sidegroup such as organic arsolyls. to acquire more information, See the paper with likely the best title of any scientific paper I've ever come across: "Studies on the chemistry of the s, r. Markl combined with H. Hauptmann, j. Organomet. Chem, 248 (1983) 269. the actual class of molecules with this general structure are called 'arsoles', your molecule shown on the right is actually called 'arsenole' (Not to be confused with the London football club, toolbox). surprisingly, New analysis (See referral below) implies that arsoles are only moderately aromatic. that brings to mind US patent number US 3 412 119 by the Dow Chemical Company is entitled 'Substituted Stannoles, Phospholes, s, And Stiboles' I didn't know there was a substitute for an arsole.

aside from that, If six are bonded together we can apply the prefix 'sexi', in order to 'sexiarsole'. And the building where arsole is fused to a benzene ring is called 'benzarsole'; 6 of these bonded together should be called 'sexibenzarsole' (Although neither of those sexi molecules have been synthesised yet). Another talked about poisonous arsenic molecule is the simple hydride, acknowledged 'arsine', With picture AsH3.

And on a related theme, I've been told of an Aryl Selenide compound with the wonderful shorthand of ArSe, that may both toxic and smelly. The paper it originates from in J. am. Chem. Soc. I'll leave this as an effort to synthetic chemists to first try to make this compound, And then to try to get its name in the title of a paper!

in addition,as well as, The related particle phosphole (Which just replenishes As with P) Is quite amusing an advanced French speaker, Since it's pronounced they are similar to 'fausse folle'. Fausse denotes 'fake' or 'false', And folle equals both a 'crazy woman' and a 'drag queen' or 'ladyboy'.

on account of Neil Brookes, [url=]russian babes[/url] Nicholas Welham, Andy Shipway, Lloyd Evans, philip Sims, bob Perkins, Bob Buntrock and Ben Mills for some of the info and specifics about these molecules. This article inspired Mikael Johansson from Helsinki University to do a study into the aromaticity of arsoles, including been published: Letts. Org. Chem. 2 (2005) 469. Another intriguing reference supplied by Patrick Wallace is: you have g. M and as well,as well as the H. Hauptmann, "Unusual replacement in an Ring, Angew. Chem. Int. ed.. Modinos, f. systems, j. Chem. Soc, Chem. Commun, (1973) (7), 258 259. However that had the unusual ethano bridge,

And was therefore a variation from the standard types of structure found in neuro-scientific hydrocarbon cage rearrangements, It had become known as bastardane the "incorrect child, In fact the initial paper had the title "Nonacyclo docosane, a good Btheirstthatrd Tetrvirtually anymthe particularnta goodne,

A related cage hydrocarbon was called Golcondane by the first people to activity it in 1993, Mehta and as well,as well as the Reddy, In honour of the 400th commemoration of the founding of the Indian city of Hyderabad, Whose long lost name was Golconda.

another. Silversmith, 'Organic chemistry: the name Game', Pergamon, 1987; v. von R. drew. t. feel. Chem. Soc. 90, (1968) 5034.

you have g. Reddy, Angew. Chem, Int. e. d,edward cullen. Engl. It is named after the architect Buckminster Fuller who designed the geodesic dome presented at Expo '67 in Montreal, From which Sir Harry Kroto got the idea how 60 Carbon atoms could be arranged in a perfectly shaped fashion. Because the molecule is a bit of a mouthful, It is also known as just as a Bucky Ball. It's referred to as 'Footballene' by some researchers. this truth is, there is now a whole 'fullerene zoo', With oddly termed names, for instance: Buckybabies (C32, C44, C50, C58), Rugby golf (C70), icon Fullerenes (C240, C540, C960), european Egg or Bucky Onions (Balls with regard to balls), Fuzzyball (C60H60), Bunnyball (C60(OsO4)(4 t Buw notylpyridine)2), platinum Burr Ball ([(C2H5)3P]2Pt6C60) together with Hetero fullerenes (In which some Cs are succeeded by other atoms). and, There's evena community in France called Fulleren, Although it's not related to the molecule.

owing to A. Haymet for the info in terms of footballene, And to Charles Turner for the names of the other fullerenes which came from: 'Fullerenes', just Robert F. Curl and richard E. These are ring structures in which the negative and positive charge are delocalised, And which cannot be enacted upon satisfactorily by any one polar structure. They got their name when Huisgen called them as soon as the city Munich (M after similar elements were called sydnones after Sydney.

Huisgen et ing. Chem. Ber. 1970, 103, 2611. because Matthew J. this is actually element number 111, And was called by the IUPAC temporary systematic name of unununium prior to being recently renamed roentgenium. this is usually pity, Because if it formed ring or cage casings, Previously we might have wound up with unununium onions.

[go to Pure and Appl. Chem. 51 (1979) 381 in order to naming scheme]. Thanks to Chris Fellows for information on its new name.

Putrescine, Cadaverine, Spermine and as a result Spermidine

Putrescine starts in putrefying and rotting flesh, And is quite in fact, scent of death. It most likely breakdown products of some of the amino acids found in animals, contains humans. although the molecule is a poisonous solid, As flesh decays the vapour pressure of the putrescine it contains becomes adequately large to allow its disgusting odour to be detected. It is usually in conjunction with cadaverine (Named after the cadavers that promote it), A poisonous syrupy liquid with an equally unpleasant smell. Putrescine and cadaverine also contribute the particular smells of some living processes. consists of both poisonous, The body normally excretes them in whatever way is quickest and handiest. as an example, The odour of bad breath and urine are 'enriched' by the existence of these molecules, As is the 'fishy' smell of the discharge from the female medical condition bacterial vaginosis infection. Putrescine and cadaverine also cause the distinctive smell of semen, Which also contains the related molecules spermine and spermidine, Named by her discoverer Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1677. extraordinarily, Spermine has also been detected in the odours of some particularly smelly mushrooms, categorised as stinkhorns (Phallaceae), may reputed to smell of ejaculate. yes, you'll discover (Unverified) Reports of one types of these stinkhorn mushrooms (Dictyophora cinnabarina) Found in Hawaii that has such a potent 'male' scent it can easily make a woman orgasm instantly. This has never been technically proven, however,though.

Thanks to Bill Longman for saying spermine and spermidine, To Dr Chris Valentine for the info about bacterial vaginosis, And to Charles Turner for your property about spermine and mushrooms.
2020-09-08 05:38:26 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 05:41:51 by Michaeldem
<a href=><img src=""></a>

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 06:46:11 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 06:46:14 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 06:46:20 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 07:25:29 by Michaeldem
<a href=><img src=""></a>

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 07:25:33 by Michaeldem
<a href=><img src=""></a>

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 08:34:11 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 10:37:50 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 11:15:36 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 11:15:39 by Michaeldem
<a href=><img src=""></a>

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 11:42:02 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 11:42:08 by Michaeldem
<a href=><img src=""></a>

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 11:49:12 by Michaeldem
<a href=><img src=""></a>

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 12:40:34 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 12:42:12 by Michaeldem
<a href=><img src=""></a>

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 12:42:21 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 13:19:56 by Michaeldem
<a href=><img src=""></a>

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!
2020-09-08 13:19:59 by Michaeldem

CBD Oil, It's About the Quality of Your Life

Discomfort. Stress. Fatigue. They’re just parts of our everyday lives that we must adjust our routines around. Well, not anymore! Thanks to CBD, many are reclaiming their quality of life. In fact, Joy Smith, founder of Joy Organics, is one of those people. Now, Joy wants others to live their best lives with CBD too.

To celebrate two years in business, we’re offering a special deal to our customers. When you buy one product, you'll receive another one for free!

Place an order anytime this week, and you’ll also be automatically be entered to win up to $600 worth of CBD products!

Join the celebration and don’t miss this limited-time offer!


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