Bear Path Aussies Complaints

Bear Path Aussies - Sandy Goldschmitt

2009-08-21 06:00:40 by Donna Z.
I first spoke with breeder about her puppies and a friend and I decided to go ahead with purchasing two breeding females. After sending in our deposits and signed contracts breeder became a difficult person to work with. Puppies were gaurunteed healthy, however upon picking them up (met her at her vet upon her request to have puppies examined by her vet to assure there were NO health issues) Puppies were diagnosed with Coccidia. One pup was very under weight and puney. Vet informed me that the puppy could very well die. Asked for money back and breeder refused. Two weeks after purchasing the pups I visited the web site and there was a couple pups now listed for sale that were not previously posted with the litter, ONE was mismarked! (A genetic Flaw) ONe that is not desirable in breeding . I am furious that this breeder intentionaly with held that information from me as I purchased a female for breeding and she knew that. She also explained to me before my purchase that mismarked dogs are not exceptable in the breed. She has refused to respond to any of my attempts to contact her. This breeder is deceitful and will lie. She will not be easy to deal with, I suggest looking for your pup else where.
495 Responses
2010-03-10 20:38:30 by JOHN sheehan
well well Sandy...well you have shown your true colors here....just where in this post do you see any libel(not slander) sandy? and i am so glad that you speak for ODALYS HAYES!!! (kelin kennels)i did buy a puppy from one of your dogs.(hu-shu)..not a Champion BTW... i have the AKC paperwork to prove it... so your accusation of slander(libel really)
is unfounded!! and your threats of someone else filing suit or even your filing suit against me will be negated by the truth... you have exposed yourself here for all to seem to me a little emotional...are you ok??? i am concerned...
and who said anything about the two puppies??? reread my post!! HMMMMMM you say that you have nothing to do with this litter...but you sure seem to know about it!!!(i have the AKC paperwork to prove it) How is that possible? i agree you had nothing to do with the sale of Merlin.that was done by Odalys Hayes and Kelin Kennels...if you did indeed lease your before your tirade here and in an e-mail to me... i was going to post how my experience with you was( i was hoping it was going to be good)..... but you have done all the damage right here in your own words....
so who does not know what whom is talking about Sandy???
2010-03-10 21:38:21 by sandy
After your nasty post I contacted the lady that leased the dog from me, I was told just what you have been doing to her. This has NOTHING to do with me, and I want NOTHING to do with it. Your problem is not with me so lets keep it that way, I have never met you and have never had any dealing with you I mearly passed on her message to you that there were 2 puppies in that litter, and that her Lawyer will be contacting you VERY SOON. END OF STORY
2010-03-22 08:54:24 by John Sheehan
well Sandy...what nasty post? you want to see a nasty post??? just look at some of your own posts.... i have been respectful up until now..... and what have i been putting Odalys Hayes thru? She sold me a dog with entropion.... that is a fact which i have documentation for! four vets saw my little boy in the last 18 months.... and i finally had to have surgery done on him.... which i could not afford.... and your dog was the Dame.... try and deny it!!! you profited from the leasing of your Dame.... so dont try and say you had nothing to do with it!! i have no legal recourse with you. But to say you had nothing to do with it is nonsense.... i have put Odalys thru nothing yet..... she will be in shock when she sees what i am going to do!!! And your posting FBI stuff on this site is an very transparent attempt to intimidate people into not posting here!! i will not be swayed by your tactics~ and your sock puppet posting is unethical! i may even post your e-mails to me here so all can see how you treat people..... and you say you are a hobby breeder? you are more than a hobby breeder.... if you sell more than two litters a year you fall under breeder stats.....
2010-04-24 01:39:36 by You know who
Sandy you know who I am and have you gotten the little blue eyed blk tri females papers figured out, last when my LAWYER talked to your lawyer and your lawyer talked to YOU you were supose to get them from NSDR and get the mess straightened out HAVE YOU????
2010-04-28 07:17:16 by Puddles
2010-05-15 11:29:36 by don't trust her EVER
Buyer Beware, this is a puppy mill....she will lie cheat and then try to intimidate you to make you shut up after she sells you a poorly bred dog. Her dogs do not have clearances, vet care or even human contact, they are penned up all day unless they get a break to use the bathroom. No socialization is ever done with them and she is only in it for the money. She overbreeds and is not responsible for any dog she sells.there is always and excuse. File complaints with the BBB and the local Dept of Ag on her maybe you can shut this puppy mill down.
2010-05-15 11:31:55 by don't trust her EVER
Here is her new web site she has changed her kennel name to Mystic to try and hide who she is
2010-06-10 11:22:14 by Lynne
Boy am I glad I got my Aussie from Tiffini Smith at t & M Dreamin Aussie. No such drama as this, just a great pup. The smartest little girl ever. If you want a good pup call Tiffini.
2010-06-22 15:25:18 by help
Looks like she still raises chows to me on her website at she changes websites so often for some reason ????
2011-01-12 11:20:45 by just another victim
My dealings with Sandy have been similar to what I have seen posted about her on here. The difference being in my case is that I made the mistake of selling Sandy two of my dogs. (Wish I would have seen this post before doing so!) She bought a breeding pair of pomeranians from me in June. The female was already pregnant when I hand delivered the dogs to her all the way from northern Illinois to Georgia. I did this because first and foremost I wanted to ensure the transition would be as stress free as possible for my babies. The second reason I hand delivered them is because she wanted me to try to ship them in the same crate and I refused to ask my vet to lie about the dogs ages as she requested me to do. About a week after the dogs were with her I received an email from Sandy saying she thought the female had lost the pups because she didn't look the same as she had (a watermelon with feet) when I had delivered the dogs to her. A week or so later the female had the pups and within 2 days, they all died. She called me distressed as I would have been also. Its always devastating to lose a pup, and I can only imagine the heartbreak of having something like that happen. We tried to figure out the cause and the only thing I could think of at the time is that the rabies shot I had the vet give her prior to my trip to Georgia may have effected the pregnancy and cause her to not produce milk. Fast forward 6 months... I get a call on Saturday night from Sandy telling me that the female had another litter of pups and after several days, they too have all died. She said the vet said she was fine physically but that some females make good moms and some don't. She told me in reference to my beautiful little female, and I quote, "If I wasn't such a good hearted person I would just throw her out the door and make her fend for herself!" "I can't stand looking at her!" "I want them both out of here!" (I have witnesses to this!) I told her I genuinely feel badly that this has happened to her and I will get back to her the next day. I'm in Illinois and being this was literally just dropped on me, I needed some time to figure out what to do and she agreed we would speak on Sunday about it further. Sunday morning she called several times while I was at church and left me a nasty voicemail in which the threats began. She said she knew someone that could transport the dogs to Indiana and that I needed to call her to make arrangements to get the dogs. If she didn't hear from me by Monday she was going to go to the internet and post all over what I have done to her. Upon my return from church and hearing the voicemail (which I still have), I called her and she told me there was a lady that would transport the dogs to Indiana for a fee, and I would have to figure out how to get them from her. She gave me the lady's number and I told her I would call. At the very end of the phone conversation Sandy says, "Oh and Dawn, I will need the $500 refunded to me before the dogs can leave here!" This was the first mention of a refund at all and being that I am a widow with four children on a fixed income, my response was I'm gonna need some time to figure this out. 5 hours later I received another nasty voicemail from Sandy. In this one she states that I have until noon on Monday to make arrangements to get the dogs or she is going to the internet. She then goes so far as to make personal attacks stating, "I think its a big big big joke that you go to church and you could do this to me!" (I also have the voicemail saved for this) I didn't have any answers as to what I was going to do so I did not return her phone call that evening or even call the lady that said she could transport the dogs because unless I had the money she wasn't going to let them leave anyways and I was still trying to figure everything out. 8:15am Monday morning Sandy left me yet another voicemail this time stating she was going to call the Attorney General's Office and the Better Business Bureau about me. She believed I had intentionally sold her dogs that I knew wouldn't produce. (I have this voicemail also) By now I'm literally sick to my stomach about all of this, and deciding I wanted everything else documented in writing, I wrote Sandy an email Monday morning explaining my situation. I told her I could easily prove that this female had produced viable pups for me in the past, and that there in fact is one of her pups living not far from here that I would happily have DNA'd to prove this. I don't know why she is having this problem but if its not physical than it must be emotional or psychological that is causing it. Perhaps she is very unhappy in her environment and doesn't want to raise pups in those conditions. I also again explained that I don't have the money or even a vehicle at this time to be able to just comply to her demands. I have been contacting people trying to see what help I could get in this situation and I needed some time. I told her again I genuinely feel badly that this has happened to her and told her if she had that much contempt for my dogs and wanted them out so badly, that I would gladly call Animal Control and have the dogs removed from her so that at least they were no longer in her "care" and that they would find them good homes. This was her response...

"Dawn, I have several older dogs that I have to take to the Vets,this week, so I will just take Josie and Blue when I go. It's a shame, I have tried to work this out with you,but you continue to sling mud!"

This was clearly meant as a threat to have the dogs put down. This was my email response...


I'm not slinging mud... You contacted me with both guns blaring and I am simply defending myself by stating the facts. I truly have pity for you. You are entitled to believe whatever you want to believe but the facts speak for themselves. I never said your dogs weren't taken care of, but truthfully is living in a small cage all the time much of a life for a dog? Then this last email of yours, clearly meant to upset me, only reinforces exactly what I was saying about poor breeding ethics. A dog can't make you money anymore so you just put them down!? They no longer have any value!?

You say you have tried to work this out with me? Exactly how have you tried to do that? You have threatened to bash me and my reputation all over the internet, to call the attorney general's office, and the better business bureau if I didn't cave in to your demands. How exactly is that trying to work something out? You are simply bullying! I told you I needed some time but because I can't do it exactly the way you have demanded in the time limit you set, now your trying to work things out is by threatening to put the dogs down? Its exactly people that operate that way that are puppy mills! And the sadest part is, you have absolutely no problem admitting it!!

Praying for you

Her response...

this discussion is over,if you want them back make arrangements by Thursday toodles.

She not only doesn't deny any of the threats she has made on me, my dogs and my character, but also basicly states that a dog is worthless unless it can make her money and that she would rather put a dog down than place it in a good pet home as is of course what an ethical and reputable breeder would do.

I have all emails, voicemails and witnesses to the phone calls we have had. (I intentionally spoke with her on speaker phone as I have no trust in this woman at all.) I have nothing to hide!

So not only should you not buy a dog from this woman, but DO NOT entrust your dogs to her care either. Buyer and Seller Beware!!!!

God Bless!
2011-01-12 11:40:40 by just another victim
Oh and as an added note Sandy is currently operating with the name Mystic Aussies at as well as Her new puppyfind name which has no feedback as of today only lists Central Georgia as her location and she doesn't use her name. She states that she doesn't sell to breeders and that she is not a puppymill.

My kennel name is SpecralRhapsody and my website is I have the same puppyfind that I originally created several years ago and in an effort for full disclosure please feel free to check me out. I have nothing to hide.

Thanks and God Bless!
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