Bear Path Aussies Complaints

Bear Path Aussies - Sandy Goldschmitt

2009-08-21 06:00:40 by Donna Z.
I first spoke with breeder about her puppies and a friend and I decided to go ahead with purchasing two breeding females. After sending in our deposits and signed contracts breeder became a difficult person to work with. Puppies were gaurunteed healthy, however upon picking them up (met her at her vet upon her request to have puppies examined by her vet to assure there were NO health issues) Puppies were diagnosed with Coccidia. One pup was very under weight and puney. Vet informed me that the puppy could very well die. Asked for money back and breeder refused. Two weeks after purchasing the pups I visited the web site and there was a couple pups now listed for sale that were not previously posted with the litter, ONE was mismarked! (A genetic Flaw) ONe that is not desirable in breeding . I am furious that this breeder intentionaly with held that information from me as I purchased a female for breeding and she knew that. She also explained to me before my purchase that mismarked dogs are not exceptable in the breed. She has refused to respond to any of my attempts to contact her. This breeder is deceitful and will lie. She will not be easy to deal with, I suggest looking for your pup else where.
495 Responses
2009-09-02 18:58:53 by Dana
I have purchased 2 puppies from this breeder they are exceptional. They both were healthy and well socialized. I made the trips to her home and visited my puppies prior to them coming home with me and they were purchased a yr apart. Both times the mom and dad were happy and eagerly greeted me as well as the litter of puppies. I would highly recomend this breeder nad her program as well as dogs. If the above buyer met the breeder at the vet then and there she could have refused the puppies. Sounds like the breeder done her job by insisting both parties be present for a vet visit. Cocci is a disease that is in the ground all over the U.S. and is not considered neglegence or any other form of ill breeding my daughter had it from playing in a creek once. Sandy was always available to me and even helped me with a problem with my poodle when I bothered her numerous times over lil potty training issue I had with my poodle whom was 5 and purchased yrs ago from a disreputable breeder so I know what a real rip off is.
2009-09-05 00:41:45 by Barb
If you read the complaint the buyer did ask for her money back at the vet office. And seller refused. Puppies can easily die from coccidia if not treated promptly and correctly. It also thrives in unhealthy and over crowded kennel conditions.
2009-09-22 11:13:36 by 2 sides to every story
A full refund was offered in front of 4 witnesses and Donna Gough refused to return the the puppies.If you know anything about dogs, STRESS can causes cociddia. Donna Gough became so abusive and refused to return the puppies the Vets wife called the POLICE...Donna Gough Vanitygrovefarm has been served with a Cease and Desist order which she violated by sending this complaint. Get your facts straight before you make comments about thing you have No IDEA about!
2009-10-16 10:11:34 by Alecia
I cannot speak about the above incident but I felt it necessary for me to contribute as I too have purchased a puppy from Sandy. I found her to be personable and more than accomodating. She would even go as far as sending me updated pics of my puppy on weekly basis. We have to aussies - one from Bear Path and one from another breeder. Our now 4 year old girl is truly the most incredible dog we have ever had. Personality, temperment and appearance are all fantastic. In fact the only reason I came across this complaint site was because I did a search for Sandy because I wanted to take the time to let her know (again) how pleased we are. Just my 2 cents.
2009-10-17 14:26:40 by 2 sides to every story
Donna Gough first posted to another site with the same complaint she posted on this site, only she posted on this site several days after receiving a Cease and Desist Order from my Attorney. My Attorney had the complaint removed as PROOF of a CEASE and DESIST ORDER against Donna Gough, and a contract proving Donna Gough had falseified information, was sent to them at their request.
Donna Gough became so angry the complaint was removed she went to 2 other sites that had overseas servers, with disclaimers the statements would never be removed, again Donna Gough falseified information. Donna Gough has been contacted by my attorney several times and I can not say anything more as there is litigation pending. There are laws about Slandering people on the internet What a shame that people can post falseinformation and outright lies about a person on this sites and others like it with
2009-10-18 13:02:41 by 2 sides to every stort

2009-10-26 21:12:50 by Diane Leake
I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to do several business dealings with Donna
and I must say the postings that you have written about her is quite untrue. Donna is
a respected lady who is an outstanding person. She is well respected in the horse world and the dog world.

It is a shame to slander some one with such good character. I can only hope that people who
read these things know that it is all lies. Maybe whoever is writing these things about her
should look in the mirror.

2009-11-12 16:06:08 by c mason
I was very lucky to find Sandy when I was searching for mini aussies five and half years ago. Not knowing much about the breed and having researched a handful of breeders, I found Sandy to be very professional and helpful. She answered any and all questions I had about the breed and about her dogs in particular. I deceided on a red tri female and sent Sandy my deposit. We discussed different ways to ship her to us as we live in Illinois and I asked Sandy if she would keep her for us for another month as we would be visiting in South Carolina and would like to pick her up on our way home. She was most accomidating. When we picked Georgie up we were invited into her home to view the parents of this litter as well as all her dogs. We brought our Swee Georgia Peach home with us and have never regretted our decision. Georgie is a beautiful red tri and has a personality to match. I have
three more mini aussies and I wish they all had her tempermant. Georgie has passed her Canine Good Citizen Test under AKC, is certifed with Therapy Dogs International and has done over 50 visits at hospitals, nursing homes, school, libraries etc.She is a favorite where ever she goes. Georgie and I compete in rally obedience, she has her Rally 1 title and wone high in trial her third time in the ring, amazing dog. But she loves to catch frisbees and chase rabbits too. Just a great all around dog.
I think it is a shame that Sandy is being treated the way she is. When we picked Georgie up she warned us not to let her out of the car until we were out of the state of Georgia because of coccidia and made us agree to have her checked by our vet when we arrived home. For someone trying to hide what her kennels are like and passing off sick and porrly bred puppies, she made everything up front with us. Since I have purchased three other aussies I have looked at the contracts and they all are pretty much the same as Sandy's. Not sure what the problem really is but I think maybe you all should consider both sides of the story.
2009-12-11 21:17:46 by anonymous
Obviously there are two sides to every story. My wife and I purchased two puppies from Sandy and wouldn't hesitate to do so again. She was proffessional, courteous, and true to her word. She went as far as to give us a discount on one of the dogs (which we didn't demand) as a courtesy. We couldn't be more pleased with our dogs. They have great personalities, even temperments, and no health problems which I can say w/ certainty since my wife is a vet. We recommend Sandy's dogs and will buy from her again.
2010-02-06 22:10:04 by Lorraine
I know of several people who have had problems with Sandy Goldschmidt. I have no doubt that she may have some nice dogs, and if you pay your money she will be very nice to you. I also believe that if she has a less-than-desirable dog, she will unload it with a less-than-honest description of it. And if challenged, this lying woman will go PSYCHO on you!! Definately buyer beware! Ask Mary of East Coast Aussies, Wendy of Justa Little Aussie, Tiffani of T & M Dreamin Aussies, or Angie of Little Bit Ranch.
2010-02-07 19:31:32 by GET A LIFE!
You all need to "GET A LIFE" My husband and myself have several dogs that we purchased from Sandy,we could not be happier. We have been to her house/kennel. It's very clean, her dogs are happy and socialized,she has a deep concern for all her dogs.... Sandy has ALLOT of repeat customers that have purchased more then one dog from her,and refered her to their friends.You dog breeders are a group of cut throat,back stabbers that have nothing better to do with your time but bad mouth and hassel people, no wonder she will not sell to breeders!!! Unless you live in a glass house,which no one does,you should not be casting stones.When people sign a contact they agree to it's contents,regardless if they change their minds..... Sandy has shown use the missfits other breeders have sold her,that she will not use,she continues to take care of and feed them as the "so called breeders" she purchased them from,will not take them back.I am tired of your endless attacks on Sandy! GET A LIFE.
A Very Happy Customer
2010-02-07 19:34:23 by GET A LIFE!
You all need to "GET A LIFE" My husband and myself have several dogs that we purchased from Sandy,we could not be happier. We have been to her house/kennel. It's very clean, her dogs are happy and socialized,she has a deep concern for all her dogs.... Sandy has ALLOT of repeat customers that have purchased more then one dog from her,and refered her to their friends.You dog breeders are a group of cut throat,back stabbers that have nothing better to do with your time but bad mouth and hassel people, no wonder she will not sell to breeders!!! Unless you live in a glass house,which no one does,you should not be casting stones.When people sign a contact they agree to it's contents,regardless if they change their minds..... Sandy has shown use the missfits other breeders have sold her,that she will not use,she continues to take care of and feed them as the "so called breeders" she purchased them from,will not take them back.I am tired of your endless attacks on Sandy! GET A LIFE.
A Very Happy Customer
2010-02-08 19:56:32 by Lorraine
Since the breeders I listed BOUGHT misrepresented dogs from Sandy, you are obviously misinforned, Get A Life.
And when these breeders tried to return the dogs or get a refund, Sandy went PSYCHO and threated lawsuits, threatened to take down the other breeders websites, and slandered the other breeders (the ones who BOUGHT dogs from her) on various puppy adveriising websites. One breeder in Missouri, Sandy had never even been to her home, yet she called state inspectors and lied about seeing dogs in poor condition there to get the kennel inspected (they passed the onspection with flying colors by the way)
All because they didn't keep quite about Sandy LYING about the dogs she sold them. She can only stay in business if she intimidates people into keeping quiet.
2010-02-08 20:33:30 by Lorraine or Donna
Donna Gough wwwv.vanitygrovefarm,you just don't quit do you, you make this up as you go along???.I find it completely incrediable that this SITE posts your GARBAGE. You really need professional help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
2010-02-09 13:52:04 by Stix and Stones
Bottom line is Donna Gough your contract was read by yourself and your Husband, and signed by YOU. YOU were offered a FULL REFUND and YOU refused it,in front of 4 witnesses. Coccidia was not covered under your contract,like every other breeders contract,as well as your own.This was pointed out to you in the VETS office,also in front of WITNESSES. You and You alone in front of 4 witnesses refused to return the puppy. YOU picked that puppy, I had nothing to do with your choice!!! You have the puppy offered for sale,right now,on " STATING she will make a "LOVLEY " companion." Not every dog turns out they way we want,and that is the gamble we take when we buy something. You know as well as I people see things differently. If you feel you have grounds to take me to court PLEASE do so, otherwise STOP this crap,and grow up. After it's all said and done you paid less the $700 for the puppy you are complaining sooooo much about,after the medication and Vets fees which I paid for.
This site as well as RIP OFF are under CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION for EXTORTION by the FBI. Heresay is not all it's cracked up to be, when there is NO CONTRACT of any kind backing up statements, as your Lawyer..You might read yours !!!!!
2010-02-16 09:08:20 by Donna Gough
Since my post numerous false allegations against my husband and I have been posted to this site and others, regretfully my decision to ignore such post has now warranted a final statement from myself. In my own defense, I would like to say that I started this post with my complaint and that is the only post that I have posted on this board. The simple truth is I bought a puppy and it was diagnosed with Cocci. I was offered a refund of my final payment less my deposit. I asked for a full refund which was NOT offered to me. Meeting the breeder at the vet was her idea, I complied even though I wanted to see the sire and dam to the puppy I was purchasing. I received pictures of them which I had already viewed on the web site.
I am not sure who the 4 witnesses are, as there was myself, the vet, the breeder and my travel companion in the examining room only. The pups were weighed by the breeder ,not the vet. I did not see the weigh in nor did the vet. When attempting to take the fecal on the pup, the breeder insisted it did not need to be done as she had been worming the pups with Panacure. However the vet followed through on his protocol to check the pups poo.
The vet returned to the examining room and that was the first I had heard of Coccidia. He explained to me that while treatable a puppy can die from the disease. I did not pay as much for a pup and drive from Virginia to Georgia to receive a pup that I felt was not healthy. In my own contract I guarantee a Healthy dog at time of purchase. I cannot speak for any other breeders, I can only speak for myself, should I had been the breeder in this case, I would have offered all the money back, a replacement puppy or kept the puppy until I had treated it and the vet had found it to be free of Cocci. None of which I was offered. When the vet asked what he should do, I spoke to him and said since I was not getting all my money back, I consider this pup to be mine and I asked the breeder at that point to leave. She chose not to leave. After I had received the medication to treat the pup and the instructions from the vet I thanked the staff and as I left the breeder said and I quote "Do not call me for a pup again" to which I did reply " You will never hear from me again" .
As far as my conduct at the vets office, Yes, I was pissed to say the least and firm in my demand for my money back, however, the description of screaming and acting totally out of control so much that the police were called, is a fabrication. In several post it was mentioned the police was called. ( I have contacted to area Law Enforcement Agencies and there is no record of any such call.)
I found the staff at the clinic to be very friendly, the clinic was very clean and run sufficiently. I apologized to the Vet for the incident that did take place, I thanked him for the work he did and the professional way in which he handle the situation.

Now, there has been additional post placed on this board that I am in no way responsible for, however it is quite clear that the breeder is laying blame on me and going after me using every avenue she can to bring me down. This is only an example of her demeanor and the extent of her willingness to seek and destroy should you not be happy with your purchase. Not only are fabricated remarks being made about me, now slandering remarks are being made in reference to my husband and his business. My husband had NOTHING to do with this transaction what so ever. He has never spoken to the breeder nor has he ever seen her or met with her. He was in no way a participant in this purchase at all. Although post have been made slandering myself and my husband on this site and others and FALSE allegations are being posted. Surprisingly all within a two week period. The similarities in the post can only lead one to believe that they have been posted by the same person. However they do not use their name to identify themselves as I have done in all my post. These post are only out to destroy my family. Should you read them all, you will notice certain similarities not to mention lacking information that one would think if the post had any real substance to them and were from legitimate complaints, the person would have known something as important as our name.

My husband and I are very proud of the 31 years of marriage that we share, the life we have built together and the hard work that we have put into our farm and business. We are more importantly grateful that the Lord has Blessed us and provided us with the opportunity to care and love the dogs and the horses that we have. I am sorry that more Bad than Good has come out of this situation.

This will be my last post on this board in reference to the breeder and where we stand. Should any other post be posted here, they will have no attention from me as I have chosen to ignore any and all remarks intended for the sole purpose of slandering myself and my husband. Anyone at any time is welcome to visit us here at Vanity Grove Farm. Our Family Welcomes You.
2010-02-16 11:39:20 by Tricia
I think it is time for all of this to stop. And at this point I feel it is this website's duty to erase all the above references to both breeders and farms as it has gotten way out of hand.
The lady in Georgia is vindictive, to go to the extremes to slander these customers of hers is ridiculous. If you do your homework, she operates under several names, and only someone with something to hide would go to those lengths.
If you do your homework on the people in Virginia, you will find no attempts to hide anything,as there is nothing to hide. They are hard working good people who have been victimize by this lady.
End of comment.
2010-02-18 18:00:23 by Sandy Goldschmitt
Donna Gough has gone to ever length to ruin my name, reputation and my business.The facts are all in the COURT RECORDS and Veterinarian records. I am OVER all of this and it's about time this STOP. A simple case of Coccidia and she has gone to extremes.A CEASE A DESIST was issued thru the courts to stop the slander she smeared all over the INTERNET As I said DONNA GOUGH if you feel you have grounds to take me to COURT PLEASE DO SO, I'd love to see you in COURT otherwise STOP this NONSENSE. Unlike you I do not have time to PLAY on the computer and make up nonsense all day long. Yes you were offered a FULL REFUND and I wish the Hell you would have taken it.You are One Vindictive NASTY PERSON. God will get you DONNA GOUGH. Donna Gough's contract was not completed and in fact is NULL AND VOID. There were several Witnesses and the Vets wife and a Tech present the morning of JULY 29th 2009.
This site and RipOFF are under criminal INVESTIGATION for EXTORTION . Donna Gough has fabricated all along,she is the one who started posting to these sites. By the way I have 3 website if you all think it is any of your concern, Many people have numerious sites, and different names! I didn't know that was a FEDERAL OFFENSE. This better stop Donna this is SLANDER.
2010-03-09 20:10:17 by JOhn sheehan
well i am not sure about much here...but i have e-mailed Sandy Goldsmitt about ten days ago that asked if she breed chows... and i have had no reply...i bought a pup from one of her litters...thru another breeder Kelin Kennels.... who sold me a puppy "merlin" that had entropion.... so far no response from Sandy... i wonder why that is.....well Sandy??? if you are reputable why have you not responded to me? i think i will use this site to post on my experience with Kelin kennels!!! look forward to your reply Sandy! "bignevermo"
2010-03-10 19:05:59 by sandy
I have not had a litter of chows in several years. Kelin Chows is a Hobby Breeder as most of us are. The dog you refered to was leased by Kelin Chows, and I have never heard of you before. I have had nothing to do with the 2 puppies you refer too. Good news though, you will be hearing from Kelin Chows Lawyer . If you have any more problem don't involve me! This is slander and you don't have any idea what you are talking about!


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